Jean Piaget and Child Essay

Submitted By souma123
Words: 5071
Pages: 21

Learning Outcome 1 1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years. From the ages of 0 to 19 the predictable pattern of development is based on 5 identifiable areas. They include social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional. The most important factor in these areas is that they are identified as being ‘holistic’, which means that they are all interlinked with one another. In other words one aspect may impact the other causing negative or positive effects on the child’s development. I have chosen to identify the areas in groups to emphasise how they are linked together in many aspects as follows. The social, emotional and behavioural areas of child development: This area of development is based on the social input and output of a child’s behaviour. It focuses on how the child interacts and relates to others and how a child feels about themself as an individual. The social area also allows the child to become independent and learn to rely on themselves and also how to interact as part of a network of other children or adults. It is also important because the child learns to follow a common social pattern of behaviour but also develops and individuality to maintain their confidence in a safe environment and will develop healthily in the social grounds of life. Some examples of this is being able to co-operate with others, learning to develop self-expression and what others feel also considering things like ‘taking turns’. The social also links with the emotional because social factors of a child’s development can have an influence on the child’s emotional levels of interaction depending on how they have been affected, positively or negatively. Thus their behaviours and mannerisms will also change and the child will either deter in their development or progress. The communicational and intellectual development: It is undisputable that these two areas are highly linked simply because to gain intellect (or to learn) a child must have an idea of language, therefore to communicate a child must have a certain amount of intellect. Through these two areas a child will develop skills in language and understanding and how to communicate their ideas and emotions to others. In these two areas a child can develop skills like using language to explain reasons, learn to solve problems and make decisions, develop skills like creative or imaginative and how to use different skills in different ways. However arguments given from psychologists have differed because some people believe children have different learning techniques which they respond to. Children have different strengths and abilities. The argument is based on the ‘nature Vs nurture’ debate, which is that some children have natural abilities and some believe that it depends on the circumstances they are given. So people must bear in mind when we approach children with different learning techniques. The physical area of child development: This is a natural development which a child will learn automatically as they grow. Even though a child will learn to walk after crawling it is essential that some physical aspects in children’s development must be guided and supported. This guidance is essential also for a child’s confidence and creative skills. A child will learn to gain general and hand-eye coordination which are known as ‘’fine motor skills’ (using small muscles); which are things like using a pencil on paper or using a knife and fork to feed themselves. Or developing what is known as ‘gross motor skills’ (using larger muscles) to learn to run or jump or climb. Although this area is highlighted on as being important it can also be affected by other areas also so it is essential that there is guidance in order that the child builds on their physical skills. Jean Piaget (1896-10980) a Swiss philosopher developed the theory of Cognitive Development. He grouped the areas of child development (SPICE) into age