Milestone From The End Of 3 Years

Submitted By snoochster
Words: 3806
Pages: 16

Unit 1:
Milestones by the end of 3 months:
Social and Emotional:
Begins to develop a ‘social’ smile
Becomes more expressive and communicates with facial expressions and body language
Enjoys playing with other people, may cry when playing stops
Imitates some facial expressions and movements
Movement and Motor skills:
Able to raise head and chest when lying on stomach
Supports upper body using arms when lying on stomach
S0tretches legs and kicks out when lying on stomach or back
Pushes down on legs when their feet are placed on a firm surface
Brings their hand to their mouth
Can open and shut hands
Grasps and shakes objects/toys
Swipes at dangling objects with hands
Follows moving objects
Recognizes familiar objects and faces at a distance
Start developing hand/eye coordination
Watches faces intently
Hearing and Speech
Recognizes voices and smiles at the sound of familiar voices
Start trying to imitate some sounds
Turns head in the direction of sounds
Starts to babble
Milestones by the end of 7 months:
Social and Emotional:
Shows interest in mirror image
Beginning to respond to peoples different expressions of emotion
Enjoys social play
Movement and Motor Skills:
Starts to sit with and then without support of hands
Able to role both ways
Starts using hands to rake in/gather objects
Reaches with one hand
Can move objects from one hand to another
Supports whole weight on legs
Ability to track moving objects improves
Distance vision improves
Full colour vision develops
Starts to respond to the word ‘no’
Able to tell emotions through tone of voice
Responds to sound by making sounds
Starts to respond to their own name
Starts to babble chains of sounds
Uses their vocals to express happiness and displeasure
Explores using their hands and mouth
Struggles to get objects that are out of reach
Can find partially hidden objects
Milestones by 1 year:
Social and emotional:
May cry when parent leaves
Can be shy or anxious around strangers
Shows preferences towards certain people, objects, toys
Imitates people in play
Tests reactions of parents/carers using behaviour
Prefers mother/father/main care giver over others
May be fearful in new situations/environment
Repeats gestures or sounds to get attention Finger feeds themselves
Will extend arms or legs to help with getting dressed
Movement and Motor Skills:
Reaches sitting position without help
Can get into the hands and knee position
Crawls forward to stomach
Gets from sitting to crawling position
Walks holding onto furniture or adults hands
Stands momentarily without support
May take 2-3 steps unassisted
Uses ‘pincer’ motion to grasp and hold objects
Explores through banging objects together
Can let go of objects voluntarily
Tries to imitate scribbling
Can put objects into and removes objects out of containers
Will pay increasing attention to speech
Responds to the word ‘no’
Responds to simple requests
Babbles using tone of voice
Says first simple word such as mumma or dada
Starts using simple gestures
Can find hidden objects with ease
Looks at the correct picture when the image is named e.g ‘where is the dog’?
Explores toys and objects in a multitude of ways such as shaking, banging, dropping, throwing
Starts to use objects correctly such as holding a play phone to ear or drinking from a cup
Starts to imitate gestures
Milestones by the end of 2 years:
Social and Emotional:
More aware of themselves as separate from others (carers, peers)
Increased excitement by the company of other children
Imitates behaviour of others, more so older children and adults
Independence increases
Begins to exhibit defiant behaviour
Can experience separation anxiety that later fades
Movement and Motor Skills:
Able to walk alone
Can pull toys behind them when walking
Will begin to run
Can stand on tip toes
Can kick a ball
Will climb onto and off of furniture without assistance
Will walk up and down stairs holding onto support

Hand and finger skills: