Use And Develop Systems That Promote Communication
Submitted By joanne720434
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Joanne Wedge
501: Use and develop systems that promote communication. (SHC51)
As a Deputy Manager of an elderly care home it is part of my job role to be able to communicate with a range of groups and individuals.
I regularly change the use of my language on a variant of levels dependant on the audience. I deal daily with elderly people who respond effectively to language relevant to them, normally within a fairly informal setting.
I am responsible for information sharing across a wide range of professionals and family members, including Social Services, Health Workers and Multidisciplinary and Regulatory teams, so my approach needs to be of a more professional nature when dealing with them. Not only do I have to communicate with all of the above verbally but via email, telephone and postal correspondence. It is just as important that I am able to do so clearly and effectively in this instance non-verbal communication should be as detailed as possible.
On a day to day basis I need to be able to communicate well with the management team, supervisors and staff. This can also be challenging as we have had staff members from different countries and cultures, I need to be certain that we understand each other.
It is important I assist in providing training and develop staff knowledge and understanding on how to change and develop their use of language and other communication techniques in order to break down any barriers they may face, particularly when dealing with elderly people directly.
Elderly residents may be upset, disabled, suffering from a form of dementia or illness, frustrated, confused or suffering severe sensory loss which can make communication very difficult. I ensure that the staff and I understand how to be patient, sensitive and able to respond appropriately to different behaviour and this is also documented in a communication care plan for each service user.
I have received dementia training as have a number of our staff which promoted the understanding in our practice to take into consideration the individual’s ability to communicate with us. An outcome of the training enabled me to reflect and alter any communication I have with those who may find it difficult to communicate effectively with others allowing me to put together a more comprehensive care plan.
Within my job role as a deputy manager of a residential care home it is absolutely vital for me to have good communication skills to develop positive relationships and share information with people using our services. I also need to be able to communicate well with client’s families, care workers and members of the multi-disciplinary team.
I use several different forms of communication within my job role.
Interpersonal skills enable me to interact with another person, allowing me to communicate successfully with them. Good communication skills are so important for working in Health & Social Care as they help to develop positive relationships with service users and their family and friends, develop positive relationships with work colleagues and other professionals and share information with people using the services, by providing and receiving information.
I use one to one communication daily within my job role, I prefer this form of communication as you can tell straight away if what you have said has been totally understood, I use this form of communication when dealing with care workers on duty, my management team, service users and members of the multi-disciplinary