Preceptorship Tips and Guidelines ..........................................................
Appendix F
List of Select Colleges/Universities offering BSN ..................................
Appendix G
APA Format Instructions for Papers and Other Citations .......................
Revised 7/2014
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Nursing Skills
N301: Foundations of Nursing
Mathematics Exam: Conversions, Decimals
Abbreviation Test
Abdominal assessment
Apical pulse , Pulse sites
Applying and removing Antiembolic Stockings
Applying Mask, gloves, gown
Applying restraints
Assessing CMST
Assessing integument
Assessing reflexes
Assisting a patient on a bedpan
Assisting the adult to eat
Basic neurological check
Bed bath: complete
Body mechanics
Care of dentures
Changing gown for the patient with IV
Collection urine and stool specimens
Complete physical assessment- well elder
Documentation: Flow sheet, TPR
Electronic VS machines use
Hand washing: Medical Asepsis
Heart assessment Making the occupied bed
Instructing Patient to Deep Breathe & cough
Instructing Patient to Use a Spirometer
Lung assessment
Making a surgical bed
Making the unoccupied bed
Measurement and recording of TPR, BP
Measurement of fluid intake and output
Medical records
Medical Terminology
Mouth care for the conscious patient
Mouth care for the unconscious patient
Nursing Care Planning
Patient position changes in bed
Patient Safety
Patient transfers (guerney, w/c)
Pulse sites
Quick head to toe assessment
Range of motion
Using Hoyer lift or bedscale
Vital Signs (T, P, R, B/P, pain rating)
Revised 7/2014
N302: Nursing Care of the MedicalSurgical Patient I
Mathematics Exam: Calculating Doses
Mathematics Exam: IV Therapy
Adding meds to IV bags and secondary bags
Administering a rectal suppository
Administering a subcutaneous injection
Administering a vaginal suppository
Administering an enema
Administering an intradermal injection
Administering an intramuscular injection
Administering ear drops
Administering eye drops/ointments
Administering IV "piggyback" medications
Administering IV meds via a saline lock (infusor)
Administering nose drops
Administering oral medications
Administering topical medications
Administration of Insulin - SQ
Admitting/Discharging the patient
Blood glucose monitoring (fingerstick and glucometer)
Changing an IV bag (or bottle)
Changing an IV solution and tubing
Changing secondary bags
Conversion of IV to saline lock
Cooling blanket
Discontinuation of IV
Donning sterile gloves (open gloving)
Drain Care (Jackson Pratt, Hemovac, orthopat)
Ice pack application
Identifying injection sites
Introduction to and monitoring PCA
IV push in IV line
K-pad application
Mixing an injectable medication
O2 monitoring (mask, venturi, non-rebreather)
Oral Report
Oxygen Administration with NC and mask
Preparing a sterile field (solution, bowl, forceps, gauze)
Preparing an injection from a vial
Preparing an injection from an ampule
Preparing an injection with a Carpujet
Preparing an IV system
Pulse oximeter monitoring and trouble shooting
Regulation & maintenance of IV flow rate
Simple sterile dressing change
Sterile irrigation of indwelling catheter
Stump care and figure 8 dressing
Suctioning (oral pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal)
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Surgical gowning
Surgical scrub
Suture Removal
TPN/PPN monitoring
Use of controllers and pumps
Variation of IM, the "Z" track
N 303: Nursing Care of Women and Children
Pediatric Math Exam
Administration of nasogastric and gastrostomy medications
Administration of