Michael Marchelletta Mrs. Gosling 20th Century Literature 25 November 2013 I awoke on a brisk Saturday morning in November. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, where hot cider and a chocolate chip scone were waiting. I read the paper while indulging on my early morning treats and then proceeded to do my homework once I was finished. This is my usual schedule on the weekends, but there was something rather unusual about today: My parents were nowhere to be found. I roamed around
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Maria L 10/14/13 Period .4 Mrs. Rivera THE COLD SWIM The name of the story I’m writing about today is called The Cold Swim. This story was written by Allen Davison. This story was about two boys named Maurice and Lamar. They decided to take a trip on a canoe to the other end of Spicer Lake. A clerk of a mountain store and Restaurant warned them about strong wind coming up soon. They didn’t listen, so things didn’t turn out as expected. Both characters
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DRAGON POV The clouds covered the sky as quickly as a snake, slithering across the now fading blue sky. I watched them move over my lonely castle and cast a dark shadow over the land. It seemed right, it matched my dark mood. Ever since my friends had been hunted down by the humans, I had hid away and sat in this castle for hundreds of years, waiting for a human to come end me too. Tears formed under my turquoise eyes and the droplets glided down my face and dripped onto the cold stone floor. A lake
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possible, but if not, recall it; and then capture its features with appropriate words (pg.160). That, to me, shows the extent to which descriptive writing requires us to reflect and evaluate. Effective writing should capture the true essence of what you are describing, and that is something that you might not achieve in one attempt. In the video clip, Descriptive Writing, which features Rita Dove, she explains how we are most drawn in when all of our senses are engaged; when we can smell it, hear the
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David Perez Writing Seminar Period 6 April 23, 2013 One of the wooden poles keeping the garage stable had graffiti on it. It was scribbled in black marker, similar to the tagging on the walls. The room was cluttered with black garbage bags and tall wooden boards leaning against the wall. One of the bags was force-fed plastic water bottles; you could see one of them sticking out through the hole it somehow punctured. Under it was a see-through container with clothes displaying a black layer of
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� PAGE * MERGEFORMAT �1� Running Header: DESCRIPTIVE VS. � PAGE * MERGEFORMAT �3� DESCRIPTIVE VS. DESCRIPTIVE VS. NARRATIVE: WHICH ONE IS BETTER? DIANA YOUNG ENG121: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I PROFESSOR GARTEN MAY 25, 2014 � DESCRIPTIVE VS. NARRATIVE : WHICH ONE IS BETTER? Descriptive and narrative writing are both two different styles of personal writing that are used to enhance a writer's portfolio. When looking at descriptive writing, a person is using words that describe a person, place
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Rashi Taneja Andrea Feldman SA #3 2/9/15 Rhetorical analysis/ Inquiry and Descriptive genres Satire, persuasive, argumentative, the list goes on for the different types of styles that make up the written language as a whole. Three examples of different genres of literature are Rhetorical analysis, Inquiry analysis and Descriptive. The first genre of literature to examine is Rhetorical analysis. This type of writing is usually in the form of criticism to explore the relationships between a text
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Prabhjot Kaur Engr 310 Assignment #5 Ms. Qudrat “Different Purposes” Identify and describe the four types of purpose discussed in this chapter. Descriptive Purpose Informative Purpose Instructive Purpose Persuasive Purpose Purpose is an important concept to understand that we all need to understand every essay. The Purpose is the single most important part of your application that will tell the admissions committee who you are, what has influenced your career path so far, your professional
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black-white squares. We can play it by write some words that are the answers to questions in a pattern of black and white squares. We must fill the white squares that placed in the grid from left to right or from top to bottom with some word by descriptive audio as the clues. It is the familiar game that can played by every people by easier make it fun and used every place including school. The teacher can make simple and applied it at teaching learning process. According to Wharton (1995: 48) stated
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Every author has a different life story of how they became interested in becoming a writer and what made their writings become a success. Jack London is one author with an amazing story of how he became a successful writer. There are specific things that helped him become a writer and he himself influenced other people through his writings also. Jack London is a male author who started his life off in a rough situation. By 8th grade he had to drop out of school so that he could support his family
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in their writing; like William Wordsworth, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville. Although, none of them quite as known as Edgar Allan Poe. His writing, daring and memorable, is read to this day; he is the master of description. When you hear the name Edgar Allan Poe, you usually think of his horror stories. Using description, he would capture his readers with his dark, twisted words, and use metaphors to relate to the world we know. Not many authors can relate to his unique writing; description
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in their writing; like William Wordsworth, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville. Although, none of them quite as known as Edgar Allan Poe. His writing, daring and memorable, is read to this day; he is the master of description. When you hear the name Edgar Allan Poe, you usually think of his horror stories. Using description, he would capture his readers with his dark, twisted words, and use metaphors to relate to the world we know. Not many authors can relate to his unique writing; description
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from the casual, to-the-point nature of his writing. Making a list of descriptions of a person and not elaborating or giving any more details gives the reader a sense of a stream of consciousness; he lists these facts and sets a mood of the matter-of-factness of the kind of person this character is. While Franzen’s writing style in general is very casual and gives you the sense of a non-biased narrator due to the use of third person, it is his descriptive adjectives used as power words that provide
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the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least two tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. Rhetorical mode Purpose Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used. Structure Explain what organizational method works best with each rhetorical mode. Tips Provide two tips for writing in each rhetorical mode. Narration It is used in every story. It is basically telling the story. It provides
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would make people choke. 3. Jasper took a sharp blow to the arm as he felt the white hand of death reach for him. Develop You are now going to develop this piece of writing. • Look at the vocabulary builder sheet which has a selection of more great sense vocabulary for this topic. • Mind map your ideas for a piece of descriptive writing in which you imagine you were on this battlefield. Low clouds streaked with sadness. Vermillion gash across his handsome brow. Cacophonic wailing and screeching
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The Great Scarf of Birds Poetry is structured in several different ways. Much of the author’s way of writing converges the reader into knowing how to interpret the writing. John Updike is on an artificial man-made field (the golf field), and this foreshadows his eventual realization of his detachment from nature. He is playing at Cape Ann in October, and analyzes the nature around him. At the end of the poem, he states that after viewing this unforgettable imagery, his heart had been lifted
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morphology, semantic, syntax, etc (Yule, 2006). Controversial attitudes towards the emotive language evolve, and hence, bringing out two contrasting views – traditional and modern, which correspondingly lead to Prescriptive and Descriptive Grammar. This essay
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forum. The discussion post must include the following information in a couple of detailed and descriptive paragraphs: Select a topic and explain why you chose the theme/topic (what interests you about this topic?). Research some preliminary Internet and/or library resources to be used in writing your research paper. Describe how you plan to meet and apply APA standards of professional writing to your research paper. Include other ideas and planning efforts you wish to document, including
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‘Prose; words in their best order; - poetry: the best words in the best order’ (Coleridge). A reflection on Coleridge’s definition, Nobody can claim that prose is a somewhat less commendable form of literature than poetry. Prose must still contain a certain amount of veraciousness and technique in order to be created. However poetry requires these things in order to be successful and whilst it is some people’s view that prose is layered with different meanings and is read to be analysed, poetry
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corpse out leant,”) shows his pervasive and underlying depressed feelings about the turn of the century. In contrast, Frost’s use of alliteration in the first line “whose woods these are I think I know,” lends a playful overtone. His use of descriptive words such as “queer,” “lovely, dark, and deep,” describes the beauty in winter despite its foreboding and terrifying nature. Thomas Hardy in “The Darkling Thrush,” portrays his view of the wintery landscape in the evening as the century comes
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What is Expository Writing? EXPLAINING A CONCEPT A VERY ROUGH OUTLINE I. INTRO ( 1-2 Paragraphs) ATTENTION GETTER….Really get a “WOW” BACKGROUND INFORMATION? THESIS II. BODY ( 6-9 Paragraphs) Start with one or Two NARRATIVE PARAGRAPHS. Tell the story! Of how this phenomenon started. And/OR…. Define your terms .In order of importance? One Paragraph might simply explain what words mean? (These two steps could be reversed?) Explain How this concept ( MOOC’s) are different
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her anecdote, such as the one used here where she employs personification. Woolfes' writing style is one in which she uses descriptive language, personification, and other rhetorical devices to enhance the imagery and help us picture the setting, plots and characters in her story. Woolfes' writing style is very descriptive to the point where almost every sentence holds an immense amount of imagery detail. Her writing style was inspired by many things but mostly from her depression, which most believe
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by Billy Holiday is a very strong worded yet disturbing song. Holiday doesn’t only use imagery, but also symbolism. This song gives a short example of how black people were thought of back then and how people treated them. Some of her very descriptive writing that catches ones eye is “The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth” which emphasizes how racist some white Americans use to be (6). “Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze” and “Then the sudden smell of burning flesh are both” are possibly
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would express exactly how she felt, she would write one herself. Lorde felt she needed to speak the truth. She often wrote about feminism and other struggles because she knew that others would hear her. Hanging Fire is a perfect example of Lorde’s writing styles and influences; it was written in 1978, and it recalls her struggles with growing up and finding herself. The poem consists of 35 lines of declarative sentences. The poem is written in first person from the perspective of a 14 year old girl
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Benefits to teach English trough poetry By Jairo Galarza Reading and Writing 5 April 20th 2015 Jairo Galarza Reading and Writing 5 April 20, 2015 Benefits to teach English as L2 trough poetry Poetry always awakens our senses, promotes literacy. It helps people to draw a sketch or image of everything in their mind , which they can feel , explain and talk , but poetry serves not only as model of literature also as a model for teaching skills of second language because poetry is a universal
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between sexuality and illness. The author’s use of the mastectomy creates both an image of the artist’s body and displays the character of the composer. Similarly to this, the author then makes a connection to the composer and the artist through the descriptive image of the petals and bees. It seems to lead the reader to work out the message it carries. The man's selfish reaction to the woman's body can be reflected in the ominous mass of dead insects only thinly concealed by his superficial sexual attraction
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ever wanted to escape from this world to a greater place, one with a sense of significance? Well, this adventure is more possible than you’d think. The Hobbit or also known as There and Back Again is a literary masterpiece. Tolkien’s excessive descriptive skills open your eyes to every minute detail of the world of Middle-Earth. His amazing story of Bilbo Baggins and his journey to The Lonely Mountain is one of the most loved heroic stories of this century, and missing out on it isn’t acceptable
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imagination by writing a descriptive setting of the poem. Imagination is the human power that shapes artistic expression; it enables a writer’s work to become an expression of meaning in our world and allows readers to engage in identifying with what the writer’s work has to say about things that matter (Clungston, R. W. 2010.) “Subaltern’s Love Song” captured my interest because John Betjeman was capable to write a poem that appeals my attention with the wit and the descriptive method of
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with working with other children that they don’t normally work with. D4 Advantage of a tick list is that it is much easier for other staff to get the information and it is quick and easy to get it all done you don’t have to spend a lot of time writing up, and you don’t have to write very much
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| | Results | Descriptive data are clearly described and demonstrate an understanding of the data, analyses, and conclusions. | Descriptive data are clearly described with only minor misunderstanding of the data, analyses, or conclusions. | There is some misunderstanding of the data, analyses or conclusions, some details may be missing. | Descriptive data are described but lack clarity or important details or there is misunderstanding of some aspect of the results. | Descriptive data are poorly
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