1. Module Details 3
2. Short Description 3
3. Aims of the Module 3
4. Learning Outcomes 3
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding 3
4.2 Intellectual Skills 4
4.3 Practical Skills 4
4.4 Transferable Skills 4
5. Assessment of the Module 4
6. Feedback 5
7. Introduction to Studying the Module 5
7.1 Overview of the Main Content 5
7.2 Overview of Types of Classes 6
7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time 6
7.4 Employability 6
8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment 7
9. Learning Resources 10
9.1 Core Materials 10
9.2 Optional Materials 10
1. Module Details
Module Title:
Managing strategy and change
Module Level:
Module Reference Number:
Credit Value:
Student Study Hours:
Contact Hours:
Private Study Hours:
Year and Semester
1 2014/2015
Module Coordinator:
Mikko Arevuo
MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room)
Subject Area:
Strategic management
Summary of Assessment Method:
40% coursework, 60% final examination
External Examiner appointed for module:
John Toth, Leeds Metropolitan University
2. Short Description
The broad aim of the module is to provide an MBA level integrative course in strategic management and change which develops students’ understanding and skills, as present and prospective future managers, for formulating the organization’s overall strategic direction. The module analyses strategy formulation and implementation in a wide range of organizational contexts, profit and not-for-profit organizations, small businesses and multinational corporations.
As befits an integrative strategy unit; its learning, teaching and assessment strategy is organized around the use of management dilemmas and case studies.
3. Aims of the Module
The broad aim of the module is to provide an MBA level integrative course in managing strategy and change which develops the students’ understanding and skills, as present and prospective future managers, for formulating the organization’s overall strategic direction. Its focus is on strategic decision-making and the management of strategic change in organizations. The Unit provides important conceptual frameworks and analytical techniques for the MBA dissertation.
4. Learning Outcomes
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of this module students should be able to:
1. Critical knowledge and understanding in theories and models of strategic analysis, strategic choice and strategy implementation.
2. Approaches to strategy formulation, including issues associated with management of change and the sustainability of competitive advantage
3. Development of a critical understanding of key questions in the management of strategic change including organizational change, cultural and human resource issues.
4. Appreciate the processes and factors determining the business's resources, competencies, performance and success.
5. Ability to integrate a number of functional/managerial concepts and techniques to analyse, evaluate and solve complex multidisciplinary problems.
6. Understanding of strategic management and change processes in a range of contexts.
7. Understanding of a range of contemporary management issues, including the impact of corporate social responsibility, stakeholder and ethical issues on strategic decisions. Define business strategy and critically analyse alternative approaches to its formulation, including issues associated with the management of change and competitive advantage.
4.2 Intellectual Skills
1. Understanding of, and ability to analyse, different types of industrial and technical change, and the strategic role of knowledge and ICT in business management.
2. Ability to analyse, interpret, evaluate and recommend solutions to multi-disciplinary business problems.
3. Appreciate the processes and factors determining the