LLP English Leading The Learning ERW Andy Goudge Essay
Submitted By gocalf
Words: 7008
Pages: 29
Middle Leader Development Programme 2012-14
Module 2: Leading the Learning
Leadership and Learning Portfolio: Entry One
Use the template below to record your entry Date 11/1/2014
1. Rationale and context for the project (750 words)
In my current role as head of Physics the performance of pupils in terminal exams at Key Stage 5 is of significant concern. My year 12 pupils progressed well throughout the course between September 2012 and June 2013. This was demonstrated throughout various assessments during the year. When they reached their terminal exams however the entire cohort performed significantly lower than the ability demonstrated to me through my own assessment. This year I have the task of ensuring this set of pupils achieves the grades that they are capable of and additionally I have a responsibility to the next year 12 cohort to make sure the same mistakes are not repeated.
In discussions with my line manager during performance management the question was raised whether our current use of assessment was effective or simply ticking a box? Additionally, I started reading an interesting book featuring case studies from several schools in America Bambrick-Santoyo,P. (2010) “driven by data: a practical guide to improve instruction” . This led me to an idea for my action research project: “Can I be more reflective in analysis of rigorous tests and results to drive teaching and learning?”
Teaching and learning is always at the heart of any school’s development plan and pupils receiving instruction at Key Stage 5 or A-level need a lot of help and support. As the sole teacher responsible for Key stage 5 physics within school pupil’s success and consequent places at university are down to me. The key stakeholders for my action research project would therefore be myself, the pupils, my line manager and the head of the school.
Due to the nature of the project undertaken I will be one of the main stakeholders and the pupils will be the other main stakeholders I will have to manage. I will have to motivate the class to engage with the new methodology and will encourage them to feedback about positive and negative points. I will use my Line manager/Head of the school to guide my improvements but they will not need to be directly involved with implementation. The main implementation for the project will fall to myself as the teacher responsible for key stage 5 and the pupils themselves.
With this action research project I aim to improve the performance of pupils at Key stage 5 through analysis and redevelopment of formative and summative assessment. I spoke to the pupils in September to find out their main reasons for performing badly in the summer exams. Many stated that both the exams taken throughout the year and the conditions in which they were undertaken bore no resemblance to the actual exams. They requested more formal tests and after reading Bambrick-Santoyo,P. (2010) “Driven by Data: a practical guide to improve instruction” I suggested further changes to this assessment model. My Line manager also suggested as one of my departmental goals for performance management that I further develop testing at key stage 5 to “more rigorously reflect the terminal exams”.
I wish to use this action research project to improve my key stage 5 results, to develop the students as more reflective learners and finally help put in place a system of assessment and learning which adds value to the key stage 5 learners within my care.
Leadership and Learning Portfolio: Entry Two
Use the template below to record your entry Date 13/1/2014
2. Research and Review (750 words)
(literature / research relating to your area of study)
I started reading Bambrick-Santoyo,P. (2010) “driven by data: a practical guide to improve instruction” after it received