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Assignment Set- 1 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1MB0038 –

B. Modeling Process
The Modeling Process developed by Bandura helps us understand that not allobserved behaviors could be learned effectively, nor learning can necessarily resultto behavioral changes. The modeling process includes the following steps in orderfor us to determine whether social learning is successful or not: Step 1: Attention
Social Cognitive Theory implies that you must pay attention for you to learn. If you want to learn from the behavior of the model (the person that demonstrates thebehavior), then you should eliminate anything that catches your attention otherthan him. Also, the more interesting the model is, the more likely you are to payfull attention to him and learn.
Step 2: Retention
Retention of the newly learned behavior is necessary. Without it, learning of thebehavior would not be established, and you might need to get back to observing themodel again since you were not able to store information about the behavior.
Step 3: Reproduction
When you are successful in paying attention and retaining relevant information,this step requires you to demonstrate the behavior. In this phase, practice of thebehavior by repeatedly doing it is important for improvement. Step 4: Motivation
Feeling motivated to repeat the behavior is what you need in order to keep onperforming it. This is where reinforcement and punishment come in. You can berewarded by demonstrating the behavior properly, and