BA 305 Notes Chapter 7 Essay

Submitted By Luiz Felippe-Alcanta
Words: 1941
Pages: 8

BA 305 – Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Electronic Media
Electronic Media for Business Communication
Electronic and Social Media Options
Compositional Modes for Electronic Media
Community Q&A Sites
Planning Email Messages
Writing Email Messages
Completing Email Messages
Instant Messaging and Text Messaging
Understanding the Benefits and Risks of IM
Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful IM
Website Content
Organizing Website Content
Drafting Website Content
Understanding the Business Applications of Podcasting
Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful Podcasting

BA 305 – Chapter 7

Section 1: Electronic Media for Business Communication
Learning Objective 1: Identify the electronic media available for short messages, and list nine compositional modes used in electronic media.
Today’s business communicators have a broad range of media options for sending short messages.

Instant messaging (IM)
Text messaging
Web content
Social networks
Information and media sharing sites
Blogging and microblogging
Online video

The first five of these are covered in this chapter. The various social media, from social networks to microblogs, are addressed in Chapter 8. Online video is covered in Chapter 9 along with other visual media. While most of your business communication is likely to be via electronic means, don’t overlook several situations when you should use a printed message over electronic alternatives:

When you want to make a formal impression
When you are legally required to provide information in printed form
When you want to stand out from the flood of electronic messages
When you need a permanent, unchangeable, or secure record

Compositional Modes for Electronic Media
You can succeed with written communication in virtually all electronic media by using one of nine compositional modes:

Comments and critiques
Reference materials
Status updates and announcements

BA 305 – Chapter 7

Section 2: Email
Learning Objective 2: Describe the evolving role of email in business communication, and explain how to adapt the three-step writing process to email messages.
Although it seems a bit old school to some users, email remains a significant business medium.
However, email still has compelling advantages

It is universal; anybody with an email address can reach anybody else with an email address.
It is still the best medium for many private, short- to medium-length messages.
Its noninstantaneous nature can be an advantage; many messages do not need the rapid update rates of IM or Twitter, and the implied urgency of those systems can be a productivity-sapping interruption.

Planning Email Messages
First and foremost, don’t contribute to the email blizzard: Make sure every message you send is necessary. Follow company email policies

Many companies now have formal email policies that specify how employees can use email, including restrictions against using company email service for personal messages and sending material that might be deemed objectionable.
Other concerns include the possibility of disclosing confidential information and exposing company networks to security problems.
Many employers also monitor email.
All email users have a responsibility to avoid actions that could cause trouble.
Email hygiene refers to all the efforts that companies are making to keep email clean and safe. Writing Email Messages
Recognize that business email is more formal than social email and the consequences of bad writing or poor judgment can be much more serious.
Email messages have the same legal weight as printed documents.
Subject lines are one of the most important parts of email messages.

Make sure your subject line is informative and compelling.
Do more than just describe or classify your message—build interest with key words,