Essay about Everything That Rises Must Converge Analysis

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Pages: 5

Rising from Bigotry to Converge in Equality “Everything That Rises must converge”, by Flannery O’ Connor is sometimes considered a comical but also serious tale of a grown man named Julian, who lives with mother, who happens to be your typical southern woman. The era unfolds in a couple years after integration begins. Throughout the story, O’Connor impresses us with her derived message in which people often resist to growing away from bigotry towards self-awareness and love for all humankind, which is so necessary for life to converge in equality. O’Connor has a distinctive style of writing that expresses this message through characterization, conflict and literary devices.
From the first page, Flannery O’Connor does a great job

O’ Connor not only brings the conflict in this but also introduces humor into the story. Julian laughed at the sight of the hats. “He could not believe that fate had thrust upon his mother such a lesson.” While on the bus, the little “negro boy” caught his mother’s attention. Julian’s mother thought little “negroes” were overall cuter than little white children, and so while they got to their stop, Julian got the idea that his mother would insist on giving the little boy a penny. Since the large black woman had gotten off on the same stop as they did, Julian was certain she would attempt to do so. Julian’s mother, who rose from prejudice towards self-awareness and love for all humankind towards the end of the story, moved away from racism all because of the interaction between her and that little boy. Julian warned her not to and when she did, to our surprise, the black woman swung her purse across his mothers face. At first Julian didn’t see what was happening. “‘You got exactly what you deserved,’ he said. ‘Now get up.’” O’ Connor uses Julian’s character to portray society and the conflict it has with his mother. “‘What all this means,’ he said, ‘is that the old world is gone. The old manners are obsolete and your graciousness is not worth a damn.’”
However, at the end of the story, O’ Connor also introduces disappointment in Julian’s character. “For a moment he