Rhetorical Modes Essay example

Submitted By UPhoenixStudent
Words: 902
Pages: 4

Associate Program Material
Appendix C

Rhetorical Modes Matrix

Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least two tips for writing each type of rhetorical device.

NOTE: You may not copy and paste anything directly from the textbook or a web site. All information included in this assignment must be written in your own words.

Rhetorical Mode

Purpose – Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used.
Structure – Identify the organizational method that works best with each rhetorical mode.
Tips – Provide two tips for writing in each rhetorical mode.
Narratives tell stories, and can be fact or fiction.
Telling a story of events as they happen is the generally the tell-tale method of a narration. (again it can be based in fact, or fiction).

Always remember the purpose of your narrative
You want emotion in your narrative. So that your reader feels some emotion. Whether laughter, anger or sadness.


Illustration is to cite evidence or examples, in order to paint a clearer picture
Use a thesis sentence at the beginning of the essay.
Use transition words such as “In particular” or “for example

Use your evidence in the order of what is most important.
”Use a conclusion that can restate your thesis, and wrap up your essay.
To illustrate or paint a vivid picture of the characters, topic, or environment using sensory detailed descriptive words.
The opening paragraph should set the stage, set the tone, and purpose of the paper, or essay. The writer describes the environment or subject from top to bottom, or left to right.

Focus your descriptions on the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
Try to paint the picture as vividly as possible using words.
To take broad subject, and divide them into smaller subjects, so they are more easily digested by the reader.
Start with an introduction paragraph that introduces the reader to the broad subject
Each subsequent paragraph should give details of each sub-category.
Use strong details, descriptions and examples in each paragraph to support, or describe each sub-category.
Use your summary paragraph to bring all of the sub-categories back together.
To give instruction in a step-by-step process.
State the goal or end result in the introduction paragraph. Each subsequent paragraph should give (in order) a step-by-step instruction of the process needed to achieve the goal.

Have a friend or co-worker read your process analysis to see if it makes sense.

To define a subject.
The opening paragraph should give a general overview of the subject.
The other paragraphs should give your reasoning for your definition.
It is ok to mention dictionary definitions, but since they can be too narrow and limiting, expand on that.

Be sure to give correct context definitions
The writer can convey a better more purposeful message if he uses ideas he has some personal experience with.
Compare and contrast To show the similarities and/or differences in your subject.
Always start with a paragraph that states the subject or subjects you will compare/contrast.
Organize your paragraphs by each point of comparison (or contrast) in that subject.
Use a conclusion paragraph that strengthens the thesis statement.
Use comparison words or phrases.
While it is acceptable to chose the obvious similarities or differences, look for more unconventional or unexpected ones to make your essay more interesting.
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