Essay on Dream Lesson Plan

Submitted By Bethany-Hoover
Words: 3547
Pages: 15

Bethany Hoover
23 March 2015
Dream Lesson Plan: A More Perfect World
Context: Grade: 8 Level: English Language Arts Class periods are an hour each. All of the following lesson plans will take place during one class period in consequent days. Included here are lesson plans for four days, but this is part of a larger unit. Because of the varying levels of ability in the classroom, students should be encouraged to use their personal creativity. Students in this classroom all are working on different parts of their writing skills. Some are still learning to write using correct grammar, while others are more interested in learning all they can do with language. Students will also learn goal setting because of their final paper that they must make time to compete. The teacher should make sure that all students are staying on task and help any who may need more individual attention to complete their assignments. This lesson also uses different assessment methods that appeal to students of multiple intelligences. The lesson appeals to students of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Examples of this include that students read the text, are given cards that define the job, and then give an oral discussion.
This lesson uses the following standards:
CC.1.4.8.F Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
CC.1.4.8.M Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events.
CC.1.4.8.N Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters.
CC.1.4.8.O Use narrative techniques such as dialogue, description, reflection, and pacing to develop experiences, events, and/or characters; use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.
After completing this lesson, the student will be able to:
-recognize utopian/dystopian themes in works of literature.
-demonstrate their understanding of The Giver by giving an oral presentation about how they would feel if they were assigned their roles in society and write a final essay that places themselves in a dystopian world -compare the experience of Jonas (from The Giver) to his or her own life
-produce an effective essay which details an imaginary dystopian world that they create
-express their ideas and impressions from the text in the form of journal entries
Ethical Considerations:
It should be kept in mind that all students come from different backgrounds, so their perceptions of a dystopian society will vary greatly. In the final activity, the prompt asks the students to create their own world, students should be reminded to keep their worlds appropriate for school. Also, teachers should remember to make sure all students are engaged and involved in the lessons. Students with disabilities and/or IEPs are able to participate in all provided activities without any difficulty.
Statement of Importance: This instructional unit is of the utmost significance because dystopian novels teach us, as a population and individual, many different aspects of cultures. Students will learn how authors worry about the structure of our world and the rules that govern us. Dystopian novels showcase human fears of a government controlling all aspects of our lives. I think it is important to teach students about dystopias so they can think critically about the world in which they are living. They will be fascinated to read about totalitarian governments, while connecting with the main characters by placing themselves in the stories. For a list of all assessment methods used in this lesson, please see Appendix G.
Lesson #1: Utopias, Dystopias, and Vocabulary/ Begin The Giver
Date: December 1st, 2014
Purpose: Students will understand the meaning of the words dystopia and utopia. They will learn what rules they can consist of and will