Teacher Candidate: Sarah D’Amour
“I Feel Lucky When…”
12 March 2015
Grade One/Language Arts
30-40 min Big Ideas/Rationale/Essential Understandings/Inquiry
Students can write simple statements that reflect the moral of the story based on personal experiences to reinforce deeper comprehension of the WH-words especially “when” and its application in stories.
Outcomes 4.2 Attend to Conventions: Writing simple statements demonstrating proper use of capitalization, periods, and usage of grammar.
Students can follow directions of the activity, display legibility in writing and compose statements unique to their own experiences using the model as a guide. Summative Assessment
The student’s will be writing one or two simple statements based on models that will be created as a class.
Students will be asked to display proper use of capital letters, periods, spacing between words, correct use of grammar and to colour after the writing is checked.
Students can identify with the meaning of the story, and express it in their own words with or without support. Differentiation for Learners
Sample sentences will be available on easel as models to base statements on. Students are told to sound-out words for spelling purposes, and to ask their peers before their teacher for help with spelling.
Writing words on post-it notes and whiteboard for support.
Scribing for additional support on dry-erase boards.
The follow chart was drafted with knowledge that majority of students in the classroom are ELLs at various levels. It attends to benchmarks for ELLs in Grades 1-3 writing.
How will I differentiate based on:
Level 1-2
Level 3
Level 4-5
Content (Resources)
“I Feel Lucky When…” Worksheet
“I Feel Lucky When…” Worksheet
“I Feel Lucky When…” Worksheet
(Learning task)
Complete the sentence with direct support, such as a scribe, or draw a picture and colour/cut-out the clover.
Complete the sentence with some support, such as editing spelling. Draw a picture and colour/cut-out the clover.
Complete two or more sentences. Draw a picture and colour/cut-out the clover.
Product (Assessment)
Can copy letters and words, and draw pictures. Edits for capitals, periods, and spelling with direct support.
Write a simple sentence based on provided model. Edits for capitals, periods and spelling with some support.
Writes detailed sentences. Edits for capitals, periods and spelling.
Korman, J., & Brunkus, D. (2000). The luckiest leprechaun. Mahwah, NJ: Troll/BridgeWater Books.
“I Feel Lucky When…” clover-shaped hand-out (see below)
Assessment Tool: Checklist (see below)
Supplies such as scissors and pencil crayons Introduction/Hook
Ask students what they know about St. Patrick’s Day as a precursor to the story.
Introduce the story and ask students what they think it is about/what will happen.
Tell students to pay careful attention to the story as they will be doing a fun activity that relates to the story afterwards.
Teacher Activities
Learner Activities 1-2 min
5 min
1-2 min
1-2 min
1 min
20 min
1. Ask students what they know about St. Patty’s day. When is it? Introduce the story and ask students “What do you think it is about? What does lucky mean?”
2. Read the story.
3. Questions: Who is in the story? What happened (and why) first/next/last? What scared the man away? What did the dog do to protect the gold? Then what? What did the leprechaun think? Then what? When did he feel lucky?
4. Write “I feel lucky when…” on the easel. Ask students “When do you feel lucky?” Write their responses on the easel. Write one example “When I spend time with my family”
5. Show students the hand-out. “You need to write one or two sentences in pencil. Make sure to use capitals/periods and write your name on it. Use the examples we came up with or make up your own. Show it to me or Mrs. M before you start colouring/cutting the clover. You have 20 minutes.” Set