languages(Korean, English, etc) required for taking a bachelor’s degree course BEFORE and AFTER you come to Korea. Before coming to Korea I've always been interested in foreign languages such as : Japanese and Korean aside from English . I taught myself a good amount of Korean and a basic Japanese ,too .It was hard for me because there weren't enough time due to my school schedule and there weren't any language institutes here that my family can afford either. I taught myself Korean using
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Darchea Wiley CSU, East Bay English 80215/16 March 11,2015 CSU, East Bay English Department Music Building, Room 2579 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. Hayward, CA 94542 Dear English Department at CSUEB, Coming into college straight from high school wasn’t very easy, and it was a huge step for me especially because majority of my family members did not attend college and those who did usually dropped out during their freshman year and I did not want to continue the cycle of “dropouts”
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Once I sat in my assigned seat and the teacher began talking I noticed I wasn’t able to understand a word that came out of her mouth. I was perplexed by every sound that she made and at that point in time I knew I didn’t belong with the rest of the English-speaking people-gringos as my parents referred to them. Then i realized that all the kids around me were speaking the same language as her and they spoke it quite well. There was no way I could keep up with anything that she was saying and she couldn’t
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a better life, but I never thought that I would have to witness my parents going through the hardship of finding a job or learning a foreign language. Watching my parents struggle to speak English and find a job inspired me to make a goal for myself. I told myself that I would work very hard to learn English so that my parents would not have to struggle with
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impossible, as soon as I start working on them and believe in myself that it can be done, I find it easy to stay motivated, and it gives me the strength to continue. So: “It seems impossible until you start working on it and believe you can do it”, this is a phrase that keeps me going and motivate me to go through challenges in life. Most of the challenges in my life seemed impossible at first, but once I put myself to it and dedicated myself, I found it easy and kept on going. Once in my life, at
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Whenever I don’t spend a few minutes reading anything in English before bedtime, I feel quirky. Whenever I am upset or depressed, studying English delights me from the bottom of the heart. Sometimes, I didn’t have power to do anything until I studied English for a while. Studying English calms me down, refreshes my brain, and makes my thoughts clear. I rarely feel fatigue when I am studying English. Future Besides majoring in English, I would like to choose Japanese for my second language course
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times when I just can't seem to get around it. Most of the time it's because I doubt myself or second guess myself when at first my answer was correct. Doubting myself and second guessing myself is something I need to stop doing but when it all comes down to it I think it all has to do with confidence which is something I definitely need to work on. It's the same with English. I use to be very good at English but somewhere along the lines it just all got blurry for me. I remember being very good
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Teaching English Overseas There are three central features that are used to define a profession. These include extensive training, significant intellectual component in training and practice, and it serves as an important service to society. My topic will analyze the idea of how being an English teacher outside the United States is considered a profession. This is my dream job, I am currently working very hard to achieve. I’m in love with different cultures and learning new things. I really enjoy
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What are my experiences with online learning, English class, 21st century education, and college in general? College in general, has proven to be very different than what I had imagined. I have encountered subjects that I had never learned in High school. College has taught me so far that I need to be very on top of all my assignments. Now that I am an adult, the responsibility is on me. 21st Century education, I would say has become computerized and high tech. Call me old school, but I was
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standardization. In what sense? Well, as a bilingual individual, I find myself in the same predicament when learning how to confront situations in my native language. As a vernacular of this estranged language, it is mystery to master the influx of recent arrivals into this new social sphere. New Yorkers and southerners are truly easily identified as the individuals who possess the capability of constantly speaking bad or unacceptable English. But which New Yorkers? Which Southerners? Perhaps, the social
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for me in the society. Having better communication skills helps me understand people conversations, also to help me to start building better relationships with others. Because English is not my first language so I am really bad of speaking of people or communicate in the international communities. When I couldn't speak English correctly, I will be distracted and confused then I will get stuck in the conversation. It would affect on me as well as I will be stressed. For example on page “xxv” in the
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As I sit here writing you this letter, I’m reflecting back on my year in Denmark, thinking about the mistakes I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had and how they’ve shaped my identity to make me who I am today. English book We’ve been reading short stories from this book in English class called “Growing up Asian in Australia” and one particular story really got me thinking, it’s called “The Relative Advantages of Learning My Language”. The story is about a girl who is Chinese and didn’t take
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Savannah Boulware Mrs.Wright English 4B 2 February 2015 My Thoughts: High School My high school experience ‘in school has influenced my development as a person mentally, I’ve matured a lot of over the course of these past four years. I got out of a shy shell and I’ve learned how to network with important people. For example getting accepted into a college from academic performance in school if a professional college recruiter has been keeping in contact and watching a student throughout
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opportunity to student who live in here, as I could talking with native people also find many different countries friends. When studying English language in UK, I could speaking English to academic exchange with teacher or foreign friends. Also, in the new environment enable us to have many new idea. Besides, this is really good chance to exercise and improve myself. | What are the benefits which I want to develop from this experience ? [150 words]Live in UK which is not only studying new language
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For me, my insecurity and self-doubt has prevented me from doing things that I wanted to try because I was afraid of failing and embarrassing myself. One traumatic episode that is still very vivid in my mind occurred while I was in the third grade, seven years ago. The assignment called for each student to give a speech in front of the class about a favorite country. I selected Canada and did extensive research on the country in preparation for my speech. After gathering my information, I wrote
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1 Anthony Martinez Mrs.Nole English 098124 02215 A Lesson Learned Mistakes are a common thing for everyone, no one can call themselves a perfect human being in fact, making one simple mistake is actually a good thing. Not only does it make you realize you did something wrong, but it changes your way of doing things for example, I never did my homework and I never studied enough while I was in high school, luckily I came to my senses and realized I needed to step up and change my actions towards passing senior year
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Spanish. I had to learn a new language. I had to go to school even though I didn’t understand. When the teacher would call on me some of the other kids in my class would translate. I had to take E.S.L. I remember they would tell me to watch TV in English. Learning a new language and getting used to a new place was difficult. Since I had enter school at the end of third grade I thought I was going to repeat third grade but with help of new friends and my cousin I passed to fourth grade. Me passing
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possible without my family’s support. Therefor, I remind myself that I must do my best. Everyone is capable of doing whatever they want, and international students need to be brave enough to study and live their lives in new ways. In Venezuela, I had always been interested in English, international studies and communicating with people. Since I was nearly ten years old, I have always listened to music, watched movies and read in English. I also tried to talk with American people, but why didn’t
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member for that matter. I don’t think I will ever be able to trust her. That day has been the most horrible day I’ve ever had, because I got denied by a family member and I couldn’t say anything to defend myself because I didn’t know English. But because of this I pushed myself to learn English faster. When I walked in the classroom I was petrified because everything was new and different from how it was in Mexico. The room was cool, there was carpet on the floor, there were colorful posters all
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part. The test had covered everything from math, science, English, and reading skills. I was so sure I had passed every part with a high enough to score to pass to skip a grade or two that is until, I got the results back a few weeks later in the mail. I will always remember that day, because my mother and I had to go up to the school to hear the results. I had passed every test with a perfect score except for English. My score for English was 94 out of 100; in order to pass and move to another grade
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Monica Gunnell English 101 1-25-15 The Reading and Writing Struggle “The more that you read the more things you will know, the more that you learn the more places you’ll go” as Dr. Seus would say. For most people growing up reading and writing are common subjects that they are supposed to keep up with during each grade level. For me I found myself in the same grade that everyone I was growing up with, but always being 2 grade levels behind in this specific subject. I had many different feelings
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4) It used to hit me back then remembering taking an ESL class and speech class just to improve my English skills, but now it’s paid off on how well I excel speaking it 5) First it started off with order of operations, then to algebra, and following that trigonometry and finally calculus at least, how long can I go? 6) It’s sometimes a tale of two tales speaking from English in school to speaking Spanish at home, from this day I don’t even know how well I did to cope with that
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include the intangible expressions or characteristics that the author expressed in the content. One of my favorite book series is Harry Potter. My mom got an original English version of the Seven Deathly Hallows for me when I was in high school. Since it was the first time I ever read an English version of Harry Potter and since my English was not good enough to understand even half if it at the time, I had to use the dictionary throughout reading the book. After looking up the meanings of words, I could
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Introduction to English Studies (Eng 281) [pic] Sample Self-Reflective Essay #1 When I think of books, I can’t help but smile in anticipation of the journey I will embark upon from cover to cover, the secrets that will be revealed within their pages, the additions to my vocabulary I will collect as souvenirs, and the new avenues that will be excavated in the realm of my mind. Beginning as early as I can remember, books were read to me by my mother, my father and my sisters. The thrill of an outing
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I left Cameroon three years ago. There, I did not understand English at all. It did not make sense to me and, it was very painful experience. I could hear noise and people talking around me but I was not getting the meaning. It was very difficult to be around people that were learning, laughing, and joking and not be able to understand. This was the first time in my life, I felt excluded, like I did not belong here. That is how English became the subject in which I had the most difficulties in. Because
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Victim vs. Creator All throughout high school I was a victim. I blamed myself and others for everything and I always had some type of excuse to not do my work. My english teacher was really hard. All of the english classes did the exact same thing but for some reason we always had a little bit of extra work and she graded really hard. I always thought “there is no way I’m going to pass this class” or “if only I had a different teacher, my senior year would so much easier and I would get straight
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successful person. Mines was the hardest, or at least that’s what thought a couple of years ago. Coming from a foreign sub-develop poor country where the main or fundamental language was Spanish, and where English classes was taken as a joke during my high school and sophomore college initials, learning English was the hardest thing I have ever done now until date. Around 5 years ago, while living with my Dad in the Dominican Republic, my mother Lucila spoke with my Dad, who happens to have the same name
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Dear Professor Kirby: First of all, I just want to say that I’m very glad I am in your class English 100WB, Fall 2013. For your information, I am not a native English speaker, so I know that you will find my writing very flawed, but I am willing to spend time to improve it, so I would appreciate any help from you. Next, I am going to introduce about myself. My name is Lan Nguyen, and I moved to the United States two years ago. It attracts me so much how America is different from my hometown, Vietnam
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speechless, flushing red with shame. I shook my head and walked away. It was not only because of my poor English but because of my lack of confidence. Also, the way I sounded while speaking English was a painful reminder that I had not yet fully mastered this new language. All those negative feelings made me feel more determined to study harder and be the person I knew I could be. I did not want to tell myself I was a quitter when facing obstacles because if I did that, then quitting is all I would do for
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Paloma Scarlet De Leon Ms. Sherwood English III CP 5 May 2015 My transition to the United States People come to the United States to pursue many interests; opportunities, better jobs, in conclusion, most people come to the U.S. for the pursuit of a better life. What drove me to make the decision to come to the U.S. was my studies and my future. My experiences in this country are very significant to me. For the first time, I moved
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