First year attending ECC. My long term educational goal is to obtain a Master Degree in Biology. I plan on getting my Associates degree at ECC then transferring to UB for my undergraduate studies and perhaps my graduate studies. My life time goal is to improve myself and the standard of living for my child through higher education. My career goal is to teach Biology, and ultimately teach at a university. Three years ago, I could not even see myself pursuing any goals that I had set for myself. I arrived
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help us improve our personal responsibility. I have set out specific goals that will have a direct impact on my education, career, and family life. My educational goal is to obtain my bachelor’s degree in 2016. In order to meet this goal, I must have a good attendance record and receive good grades. Not having a bachelor’s degree automatically disqualifies me from furthering my career goals. Fulfilling my educational goals will hopefully provide opportunities in the near future by allowing me
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kind of school in which contemporary school reforms, such as the “No Child Left Behind Act” call for, educational leaders must assist their teachers in becoming accomplished and capable educators that are able to deliver quality education. Educational leaders must consider the best possible methods in which this goal can be accomplished. One of the most prominent ways of accomplishing this goal is through the use of organizational learning. This paper shall discuss how the “learn or else” method
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means that the working adult will return to a learning environment to earn a certification or degree in their field. Returning to school can be tough in these economically changing times; however, successful adult students will establish clear educational goals to gain higher responsibility and pay increases in their current
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PEP Individual Goals Worksheet | Week 1 - Plan | Week 4 – Evaluate & Revise | Week 7 – Final Evaluation | Professional Life | Goal 1:To management time properly Goal 2: To be a team player Steps to achieve: To make a weekly planner of all my schedules and establish a good working relationship with my co-worker, listen and learn. | Goal 1 Progress: I am in the process of achieving so many task at work because I manage my time properlyGoal 2 Progress: I have started listening and working with
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Important Goal 1 Short-Term Educational Goal a Your specific goal: My goal at this moment is to re-integrate myself to the college education lifestyle of which I haven’t been part of for the last seven years. And realize my dream of obtaining my bachelor degree. b Actions you plan to take to achieve your goal. What will you do to support your goal . . . 1 Today? I’m preparing myself a schedule to integrate the time needed to do the assessments needed for this class to achieve my long term goal that
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include: reaching educational goals, proper schedule management, implementing new learning styles, using the resources inside and outside of the University of Phoenix, adapting to a successful writing process through the use of WritePoint and the Center for Writing Excellence and avoiding plagiarism in order to maintain academic integrity. I have come to a point in my adult life in which I have identified the need for higher education. I have also Identified that as an adult, my educational needs are different
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2006; Wells, 2008). Professional learning communities (PLCs) are old news in the educational community, an idea that has been around for years. Like many initiatives in education that have come before it, it runs the risk of being pushed aside for newer, sexier initiatives (Dooner, Mandzuk, & Clinton, 2008; DuFour, 2004), guaranteed to promote learning and finally, for once and all, “solve” our country’s educational crisis. It is far too early to give up on PLCs. PLCs have incredible potential
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listed below: Short-Term Educational Goal (approximately 2 years or less): Your short-term educational goal should be a goal that you can realistically accomplish in approximately 2 years or less. Focus on a goal that will help you to reach the long-term career goal that you will be focusing on in the second part of your career action plan. I. What is this educational goal and why is it important to you? (minimum 5 complete sentences) My short term educational goal would be to complete my degree
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These last nine weeks of class have been interesting and educational. I have learned a lot over these nine weeks that I think will help me along with my educational goals. I know that this experience will help me to reach my career goals for the future. I know that this is just the beginning of my educational goals and getting my degree will be the only way for me to accomplish all my long-term career goals in life. I have made a plan to further my education, because I want to become a Social Worker
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techniques and styles. Some educators consider what they do a 40 hour a week job however for their goals and context to come across to their students they must consider what they do a lifestyle. If teachers are to be entrusted with the education of students, teachers must help learning and growth personally, academically, and ethically with no qualm. By providing a savor education to each student in an educational environment, a teacher equips students with the tools necessary for prosperity in life. Beliefs
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Performance: Part 1 May 2, 2013 Second Home Educational Child Care (SHECC) is a organization that provides child care services to parents for an affordable price. This mid-sized child care company serves children from 6 months to six years of age. Our unique services are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be educated and taken care of. Second Home Educational Child Care will base our operations in Havertown and Brookhaven,
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West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Reed, 2014), this county has the lowest percentage of high school seniors attending an institution of higher learning at 36.5%. Procedures to Assess Workforce Engagement The administration of this educational institution evaluates workforce engagement by conducting an annual review of all teachers using the state adopted educator evaluation system. Teachers are divided into different progressions based on their years of experience. Advanced progression
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people up because I hate to see anybody down. A few of my values are I believe in God, I always try to treat people the way I would want to be treated, and I don’t stand for any kind of discrimination what so ever. My attitude towards achieving career goals is determined I see myself being greater and I will not rest until I feel I have achieved that. Exercise 1-2 I think that in order for Cory to deal with the negative baggage he must first stop hiding his poor choice because the past cannot be changed
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................................................................ 6 College of Education (Unit) Vision and Mission ................................................................................................... 7 Unit Philosophy, Purposes, and Goals/Organizational Standards .......................................................................... 8 Learner Knowledge Base ..........................................................................................................................
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like any other business. There has been an increase in demand for better service and higher quality of education offered by the public school system, which has been answered by the creation of charter schools. According to the National Centre of Educational Statistic, charter schools are not only a business, but a booming business catering to over 2 million students across the country (NCES, n.d.). I currently work for Caprock Academy charter school, which was open in 2006 and has a roster of over
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always loved computer and also love being around business through my work experience and family. My educational goal begins with the support of my parents wanting me to get my degree and be successful through school. They taught me school is the only chance that I have to succeed in life, I must be in school. Taking after their support, I have constantly valued and tried to get the most of any educational opportunity I have had. Having experienced childhood in a business family, I have dependably been
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- Carlos Ramirez Since its development in 1994 the standards of Educational Leadership have pursued promoting an understanding on what is expected from the educational administration field.1 The goal of this paper is to present a personal appraisal of a connection between the ELCC standards and my own experiences in district leadership and a reflection on my professional practice of the standards. It is implicit that an educational leader should promote the success of every student by advocating
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adding school to my plate didn't seem realistic. Going to a local JC college here in town wasn't an option. Between work and extra activities for my children I couldn't find time for school. Once I found an online University that could fulfill my educational goals I was extremely excited that school could work around my schedule. I have been an online student for about 3 years on and off and it works for me. I've learned so much more online VS a classroom setting. In a class room setting I was
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as my subject of interest, common personality characteristics and values that go along with this career. I will also mention the educational requiremnts needed for this field. Lastly I will discuss the job outlook for this career. School psychologists work in both private and public schools. According to Landrum and Davis (2009) “they help people within the educational system maintain the intellectual, social, and emotional development of children at the school”, they do this by directly assessing
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to take into consideration when trying to place a disabled student in a classroom. The extent of the disability must be taken into account and groups of professionals, parents, and the student need to work in collaboration to establish the best educational fit for a student. There are many assessments and interventions used in early childhood special education while transitional programs are often used for older special needs students. Each special education student has a unique case and a unique
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studies. The following information discusses goals that will lead to my academic success, how the writing process can help me advance in my education. Discussed further are steps used to improve critical thinking skills, the university resources and how they help to ensure academic success. Also covered are the benefits and challenges of working with outside sources and the important lessons that I have learned during this course. Setting Goals In goal setting, it is clear for the student to understand
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Educational Leadership Philosophy by Elizabeth A. Cetnor EDA 6061 – Principles of Educational Leadership Instructor: Dr. Gary Tucker Leadership is the ability to be the influential source in motivating others to do their best in any given situation. My educational leadership philosophy is simple. As an educational leader, I strongly believe that it is important to build relationships with parents, staff, and students. I believe it is the educational leader’s responsibility to make
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Characteristics of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders that affect Inclusion in Regular Education Miley Cyrus EDU 521 Liberty University September 14, 2013 The idea for education is that all are entitled. Educational reforms have been implemented which have change the course of treatment of individuals with disabilities. In previous years many individual with disabilities were mistreated and discriminated. The IDEA act which is a law ensures that schools provide
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us to achieve our goals. Therefore, without motivation, we will have difficulty following through with the tasks required to achieve the goals. Achieving success is something many people consider to be difficult as well as maintaining motivation. However, with the tools and resources available, students will not only achieve academic success, but also find their motivation again and continue to see success in many aspects of their lives. Setting obtainable and realistic goals is an essential factor
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children that it is never too late to better yourself or your situation. Through my hard work, I maintain a grade point average that will not only make my educational goals possible, but also, provide my children with a model of dedication and determination. This is my first semester as a Criminal Justice major at Luzerne County Community College. My goal is to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice or Social Work. I hope to utilize my education and life experiences to obtain a job working for the
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Service: Community Education Support Program B. Name: Padres Unidos (Parents United) 2. Start developing a description of the organization (goals, strategy, culture, values, location, environment, product/service). A. Goals: Empower families. Foster self-sufficiency and Mutual Responsibility. Help families achieve emotional, educational, spiritual, social, physical and mental health growth. B. Strategy: Develop a presence in the school districts throughout the US where we can have
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and how it can be modelled within a contemporary classroom. It explores how teacher beliefs, attitudes and values impact on both making adjustment to content, instructional strategies and assessment to accommodate learner diversity in inclusive educational settings, and extending collaborative relationships to strengthen learning communities. The paper is divided into four main sections; A rationale for an approach to inclusive practices, an analysis of four inclusive teaching strategies that are
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Program Zamboanga City Course Title : EdAd 205 (Educational Planning and Curriculum Development) Course Professor : Dr. Alicia T. Baldicano Topics : EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Background of Educational Planning A. Concepts of Educational Planning a. Basic Ideas and Concepts about Planning b. Nature and Scope of Educational Planning c. Concepts of Educational Planning d. Definition of Educational Planning e. History of Educational Planning in the Philippines Discussant : Joanes C
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How Can I Use Research in My Profession EDU 508/ Educational Research Methods How Can I Use Research in My Profession My two academic goals are goal structure and teachers’ sense of efficacy in classroom help teaching experience and academic learning. Goal structures reflect the motivational reflect the motivational beliefs. It promotes instructional policies and procedures within academic scenery. Teachers’ sense of efficacy discusses individuals’ beliefs about their ability to accomplish
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