Essay On Importance Of Education

Words: 1094
Pages: 5

In this chapter deals with the definition of education and financial progress. It would be followed by the importance of education in our society; how it affects our lives and why it is necessary for all, whether boys or girls; getting to know how our youth perceives education and its importance. Further would be discussed the types and levels of education. Looking into the availability, access and quality in both private and public education systems. Knowing the current situation of educational institutes in Pakistan including the presence of qualified teaching staff and curriculum, focusing KP as to how much gender inequality persists in education sector which suppresses financial progress.
“Plants are developed by cultivation and men by education” (John Locke). Education is the building block for a society. Every society is built on the basis of how educated they are. A country on the whole is

Formal education is planned with a particular end in view, limited to specific period, with well-defined and systematic curriculum, given by specially qualified teachers, includes activities outside the classroom and observes strict discipline. Informal education is incidental and spontaneous, not pre-planned, not imparted by any specialized agency, no prescribed time-table or curriculum, and might result in negative education. Non-formal education is derived from the expression ‘formal education’, lies outside the realm of formal education, which is conscious and deliberate, organized for a homogeneous group, and serving the need of an identified group (Dushi, N.D). There are several levels of education: primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary, degree college/university. Primary education is between the ages 5-9, middle education between the ages 10-13, secondary between the ages 14-16, higher secondary between the ages 17-18, degree college/university between the ages 19-25 or