Technology Learning Essay

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Technology Learning
Helen Cox
American Sentinel University

Technology Learning

A lot of research went into determining the right method of continuing my education. There was also some trial and error. I started several years ago with the traditional brick and mortar institution. Getting to class on time became increasingly difficult as work and family life became hectic. I switched to their online program for more flexibility and ease with time management. The program worked well but the only interaction was with the professor. I was hesitant of programs that involved cohort work study and online discussion. Now, several years later I enrolled with American Sentinel University. The online discussions are valuable. The discussions and readings have promoted collaborative learning and knowledge growth based on discussions, readings, and assignments in each forum. These are all influential tools in sharing methods of practice and lessons learned. “The aim of nursing education is to prepare students with critical thinking, high interests in profession and high proficiency in patient care. Technology has been considered an influential tool in teaching and learning.” ([Zu Chun Lin], 2013, p. 546). Collaborative learning via discussion forums stimulates the student to reflect on his or her own experiences and interact with others across the nation. This method of collaborative technology learning has enabled me to apply course content to situations I have or will experience as a nurse professional. It is apparent that we are all working towards the ultimate goal of providing exceptional patient care. The discussions and readings have validated many interventions in place within my practice. They also have provided me with alternatives to several process improvement plans I am working on. The module on reflection prompted me to analyze my methods in conducting incident event investigations. I have now posted the Gibbs reflective cycle to my bulletin board, and added it to the Root Cause Analysis(RCA) guide I provide when facilitating an RCA. The concept of “critical reflection involves us taking a 'fresh look' at our practice, viewing our practice through a different lens and questioning our previously accepted, taken-for-granted values, belief systems and routines.” (Bowden, 2003, p. 29) Next, ethics assessment at my organization is a 2013 goal. The ethics committees throughout the organization vary in many ways. It is the system risk management goal to standardize the mission, purpose, and processes of the ethics committees at each hospital site. Having the opportunity to read the literature provided in this module has provided me with a better understanding of the responsibilities for the professional nurse. The Code of Ethics for Nurses “provides the nurse guidance for legal and ethical responsibilities to patients and, in the broader sense, to society. By meeting these obligations, the nurse will remain the most trusted health care professional.” (Lachman, 2009, p. 57) I am eager to share the literature provided in this module with my team. The next module on Patient Safety and Quality Nursing has been my favorite thus far. My role as the manager of clinical risk and patient safety can be occupied with days of adverse event analysis, customer relation issues, claims management, and legal consequences. The most rewarding function is my role as the site patient safety liaison. Having the opportunity to educate and implement change that brings positive outcomes is what keeps me passionate in this role. A goal for Patient Safety this year is to increase medication event reporting. At my last meeting I shared the Josie story prior to the team action planning brainstorming session. Although, I had seen this before, it inspires me each time I watch it. The meeting ended with great suggestions for meeting our goal. The course content, readings, and discussion