Under NO circumstances may games be downloaded or played on any school computers.
Computer games are strictly prohibited by county policy. Acceptable Use
Computers and computer networks are powerful tools used to support the instructional program. In order to maintain these tools everyone needs to use them in a responsible manner following the guide lines set out below. Use of the CCPS-NET by students shall be contingent upon the receipt of an application form signed by the student’s parent or guardian. Regulation 723.1 outlines acceptable and unacceptable use of the CCPS-NET, a wide area network linking the schools, administrative offices, and the Internet.
Acceptable use is defined as but not limited to: The CCPS-NET is established solely for educational purposes. CCPS-NET account owners are responsible for all activities under their accounts.
Unacceptable use is prohibited and is defined as but not limited to: Any use of the CCPS-NET for illegal, inappropriate, or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities, is prohibited. Illegal activities shall be defined as a violation of local, state, or federal laws. Inappropriate use shall be defined as a violation of the intended use of the network, including the intentional introduction of viruses, corruption of systems, files and resources. Guidelines on Computers
Computer equipment is the property of Lloyd C. Bird H.S. and students who abuse or misuse this equipment are subject to the discipline policy and procedures outlined in the Chesterfield County
School Board Manual and may be subject to out of school suspension and/or revocation of computer use privileges.
Abuse and/or misuse of this equipment is defined as, but not limited to, the items below:
• Copying games, viruses, or any file that can be used to harm or destroy the local area network from the Internet.
• No food or drink is allowed in the computer lab (including candy, gum, etc.) • Rough treatment of the equipment causing the equipment to break or malfunction. • Escaping the network to the Disk Operating System (DOS) without teacher permission and proper supervision.
• Using equipment or labs without permission of school authorities.
• Interfering with another student’s program or computer work.
• Any programming that causes interruption to the network’s normal and intended use.
• Copying or attempting to copy a copyright protected program.
• Any student or adult logging into the system under another person’s name. • Printer abuse. It takes about 10 seconds for a print command to be printed. • Obscenities are not to be used as file names.
Recommended disciplinary action for students who abuse or misuse computer equipment:
• Computer privileges are denied except for completing class assignments under the direct supervision of the teacher.
• Enrollment in additional computer courses is denied.
• Discipline policy of the Chesterfield School Board is applied.
• Future assignments will be accomplished on a stand alone machine.
Recommended disciplinary action for students not enrolled in a computer class who abuse or misuse computer equipment:
• All