The Workforce Planning Model
Deborah Martin
Professor George Yeakey
Human Resource Strategy
American InterContinental University Online
May 13, 2015
Abstract The primary purpose and development of an action plan is to create a Workforce Planning Model (WPM), which would address the workforce shortages throughout departments within the hospital. Due to the fact, those health care workforce shortages aren't localized but an overall systemic problem of the health care industry, it's imperative that an internal talent pipeline be developed. An exploratory committee would be formed to create and implement the Workforce Planning Model, and the panel of 16 members comprised of a representative from each department from within the hospital. The panel would address the following health care trends: recruitment, changes in health care delivery, educational capacity, worker retention and regulatory environment.
The Workforce Planning Model
The strategy being implemented requires an internal talent pipeline and the following objectives and goals are essential to the longevity of the pipeline. Four members of the panel would handle "recruitment" and the committee would comprise all current data on the hospital current hiring practices formulate a strategy to increase hiring by 1% every six months.
Three-panel members would handle "changes associated health care delivery". Due to the fact, that health care is predominately more outpatient care than received in hospitals; there's been a shift in the health care workforce from hospitals. Also, hospitals can no longer keep up with the rising costs associated with retaining this segment of the workforce. The panel must formulate a strategy in which to require 1 to 2% percent of this workforce annually. Four members of the committee would handle "educational capacity" within the hospital and talent pipeline. Ultimately, the panels responsibility for the education standards and raise the skill to include even continuing education for those being recruited, also, to those who are already currently in the workforce.
Four members of the