The Development Of Teen Substance Abuse

Submitted By Raymond-Ofoegbu
Words: 1819
Pages: 8

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) approximately one in four teenagers are substance abusers. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). In addition, teenage substance abuse has then increased in the last 20 years (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).Recently, data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 35% of teenagers between ages 13-19 in Modesto, CA are substance abusers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012. Goals are exact objectives of what a health care provider wants to achieve to support the aggregate in improving a specific health issue. Goals must contain an action (intervention), the expectation of the action (the result), and the target (aggregate) and actual time frame for the completion of the goal. Before the development of outcome goals providers need to deliberate on specific interventions, ascertain who would need to be influenced and whether or not the program or intervention is cost effective.
Primary Goal
When considering the facts from the data collection tool in part two, one chief concern about teenage substance population in Modesto is Hostile, and aggressive behaviors associated with substance abuse that impact the community negatively. (Winters KC, 2013). These behaviors affect the family and the community as a whole. According to Alameda public health department, (2010) 32% of Modesto's youth began drinking alcohol and using illicit drugs before the age of 12. At the age of 13, more than 50% had their first sip. On a national level, data shows 26.4 % of teens from ages 12-20 indulge in hard liquor. (The National Institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism, 2012) The literature stated that amid 11th graders, marijuana inhalation was at its peak by early 1990s, with 5.9 percent of teenagers in upper division reporting the use of marijuana. The primary goal is: there will be a decrease in illicit drug use and alcohol consumption in the city of Modesto within one year of increased parental supervision and educational programs.
The primary intervention to meet the primary goal outcome will involve educating parents and teenagers children through school programs, and community outreach. A good example of activity implementation is the drug abuse resistance education (D.A.R.E) The campaign is gaining recognition through schools and influencing positive behavior, self-confidence through abstinence of drug and alcohol use. Also, a teenager whose parent has drinking problems, will most likely have drinking problems than a child whose parents do not have drinking problems.
Since teenagers spend a decent amount of time at school the perfect set of people that needs influencing is the Department of Education and tutors. The Department of Education in Modesto CA is drastically implementing other activities of healthy living in every community. Acquisition of support for an activity program to uphold active lifestyles should be easy to accomplish. Department of Safety & Homeland Security has proven, be effective and 55% of America's schools teaches the program. The field marshal led classes instruct students to "resist peer pressure and live drug and violence free lives" (Department of Safety & Homeland Security, n.d.). "The State Board of Education Policy currently requires grade five to watch videos on drug abuse prevention with parental," (Modesto Department of Education, 2010, p 25). A second reasonable influence requires Department of Safety & Homeland Security, and D.A.R.E. to work together to implement inclusion of drug prevention classes as mandatory subjects for students.
Cost Effectiveness
The cost to execute a program like D.A.R.E is very minimal. D.A.R.E, a drug prevention program, teaches children the importance of saying no to drugs, alcohol, and violent actions. Since, D.A.R.E is a non-profit organization, there is no