Research essay Debate has been used throughout every era of human existence. It has been used to solve issues that seemed to be unsolvable. Debate has separated people through different opinions but has also united people through solutions and persuasion. Examples of debate solving issues are very evident throughout history, whether it be people arguing over Hammurabi’s code thousands of years ago or people arguing today over how governments should be run. Debate has shaped the world as we know
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Alex Martinez Mr. Humphrey English 4 12 May 2014 ART MUST BE CENSORED! Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it. I agree that we should censor art because there are graphic and it can affect us in dreadfully. People that are (Con) may say “we have the right to see the all the bad things and how people suffered”. Well I believe that if we don’t censor art young children will see
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Face Off Debate has always been a very dramatic conflict in many stories or tales from the past. I believe the reason this topic is always such a problem is because not everyone will agree to the same idea. People tend to give their opinion when they disagree with something and if another person doesn’t like what they hear then he or she will give their perspective on things, which often causes an even bigger debate to resolve. Debates can lead to many things going wrong but they can also cause
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The Providence Debate Barbara J. Best Theology 350 July 3, 2013 When one defines God’s providence it is referring to the way God governs the world. Does God really sit on His throne and dictate or rule the world? It is not surprising that there is some disagreement in the evangelical world concerning the control of God, His dealing with salvation especially as affected by Jesus and the freewill of mankind. Some theologians think that the three are in contradictory of each other. Are
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Ramon Berber 6th Period English 5/10/15 The Genetic Engineering Debate “Despite the controversy and potential limitations scientists argued that cloning could have beneficial use for society including preserving endangered species and advancing the medical understanding of aging and diseases” (“Genetic Engineering”). Researchers have gathered as much data from past experiments and had more accomplishments than setbacks. Genetic Engineering can be proven useful to many humans and other organisms by using
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Fort Hamilton High School Rain Oddo Mrs .Conway The u.s should legalize recreational marijuana Is marijuana safer than alcohol? Marijuana is not a lethal drug, which means it is not toxic to humans, overdoses are nearly impossible and is not as addictive as tobacco or alcohol. Legalizing marijuana would have a beneficial impact on the U.S. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it’s been in use. Legalizing marijuana also would cut taxes. Also legalizing
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In this paper I will discuss the great moral dilemma of committing an abortion. This issue of whether having an abortion is morally justified has been very controversial to many people for a long time, and still continues to be one today. As a context to this argument we are given a story of Mrs. Adams and her husband who decided to have an abortion after a contraceptive method went wrong. After forgetting to take her contraceptive pill one night Mrs. Adams ends up getting pregnant, and because
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SUBJECT: State Controller debate at Save Mart Center I am excited to announce that there will be debate prior to the November 4th California State Controller election. This debate will give you the chance to get to know the candidates and understand their points of view. The debate will be held in the Save Mart Center on October 25, 2014. You may park in any CSUF campus lot or you may park on the street. There will be no charge for parking. The debate will begin at 7:00 p.m. and end
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Presidential Debate Extra Credit Analyzing the presidential debate, the two candidates continue to attack each other in multiple ways. First, each candidate go over the time limit to speak their mind according to an issue. When the time limit of a certain topic is over, the contending candidate continues to blow out the moderator and speak their mind. Governor Romney provides an excellent example of interrupting the moderator by speaking his opinion regardless of the time frame. Upon analysis
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The Debate on Gun Control Leon Graves Baker College The Debate on Gun Control Guns have played a huge part all over the world since the day they were first created. Guns have been used in every war since the 16th century. The settlers carried guns throughout America for the first time when exploring. All through history guns have been involved, even today. In the modern era guns have stirred up a huge uproar in politics when it comes to making new laws to control them.
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A Stinky Debate For a number of years I have known about marijuana and the effects of the leafy, green plant. Attending a public school definitely contributed to my familiarity with the sight and smell of the substance. Nearly half of my peers sucked in smoke on a daily basis! However, I took no part in this intoxicating experience. Having a doctor as a dad, I knew of some very negative side effects that followed the inhalation of marijuana. I suppose that was a great portion of the reason why
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Presidential Debate on Domestic and Foreign Policies The second debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama was set up as a more relaxed format, with the randomly selected panels and audiences asking the questions. The CNN poll after the deabte analyzed that 46 percent believed that Obama won the debate while 39 percent believed that Romney won. CBS polling showed that 37 percent said that they believe Obama won and 30 percent said that Romney won. The remaining 33 percent called the debate a tie.
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Name Bibles Microeconomics 10 February 2014 Microsoft Debate There was a debate over the status of Microsoft Corporation from a business standpoint. They supply the operating system to about ninety percent of computers but they do not have a clear-cut competitor when it comes to prices. Does this make them a monopoly? Do they purposefully keep prices low to discourage other computer companies from being able to compete with them? The question for lawmakers became: “Does Microsoft’s
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This essay is about the Abortion debates. I choose to write about this because of my personal views. The Abortion debate is one of the biggest debates in the United States. Many topics come up in the Abortion debates from both sides. I have 6 Points from both sides of the issue. The first point I would like to talk about is when is the fetus considered to be a human life? Pro-life thinks that life begins at conception, so abortion is akin to murder as it is to the act of taking a human life. Now
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willingly inject into their body but the amount and what is injected along with it are factors that can easily sway people’s opinions on it. I personally believe mothers wanting an answer as to why their child developed autism blew the whole thimerosal debate out of proportion. Like I said before, thimerosal isn’t the enemy; the amount ingested is proven to not be enough to do harm, it also can’t be proven that it is a direct link to autism and claims that it does harm to organs are exaggerated to sway
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is the second time our group take part in group debates as a observe team. After the first week’s observation, we know quite well about from what kind of aspects we should look at and what things we should focus on. This week, the two debates groups (group 5 and group 7) both did pretty good job. Every member of each team tried their best to achieve the criteria for debating. After our group discussion, we think that the negative team won this debate. Because first of all, about the credibility;
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Behavior More a Function of a Person’s Age or Generation? MKT 6661 Strategic Marketing Management Troy University Introduction A heavily debated issue between marketers is what drives consumer behavior? There are two noted positions in this debate, one that believes that age differences are the deciding factors of a consumer’s wants and needs and others make the case that cohort and generation effects are better suited to uncover the consumer’s desires. Marketers have a major responsibility
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The Great Debate “The new Ultrabooks by Intel are shockingly out-dated and a couple of steps behind the new Macbook Air that Apple is currently bringing out”- stated a BestBuy employee as I asked for his opinion on the new laptops that are being advertised. His opinion gave me the feeling that he detested any form of technology that was not produced by Apple, which he referred to as the “innovation company.” I left the store shocked since I had always been leaning to the PC side when it comes to
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Regulation of Marijuana for Positive Medical Use. Marijuana! It has been helpful in a lot of medical causes. Even though most of the people think that it is just a harmful drug, it has medically positive effects on patients with medical issues. The issue of legalization of medical marijuana and usage of it in medical industry is based on peoples understanding of the benefits in more then one case. Medical marijuana should be allowed and regulated because it can help patients with certain conditions
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The United States uses tariffs and quotas to restrict trade with foreign countries. This is imperative to control foreign imports and the impact they have on our economy. All countries produce goods that are available on the open market, such as automobiles, lumber, consumer electronics etc. The United States has a manufacturing base that is shrinking because of competition from other countries. In order to slow the progression of this decline we place tariffs on countries that produce products that
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“Every man has the right to decide his own future.” –Bob Marley. There is nearly 14 million illegal immigrants living in the shadows of the United States; and each year thousands of them are deported back to their countries with nothing but crushed dreams bearing down on them and their families. A path to citizenship should be given to immigrants so they can be reunited with their families, make a better future for themselves and to help in improving this country. One reason immigrants should
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Breanna Henry Miss Renner English 11 5/27/14 Social Networking Are social networking sites good for our society? Fortyseven percent of American adults used social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Classmates.com in 2011, up from twentysix percent in 2008.On social media sites like these, users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more. Social networking is, in fact
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Impact Calc: 2AC- goes on top of case, extend the cards. Neg block- impact calc should happen on top of the dis ad.. should have sub points, so it should be flowed as sub points. 1Ar- should do impact calc, but not long, should be efficient, author why it outweighs, but no story, can put it on top of case, or to answer dis ad outweighs the case. 2nr- you need
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Ryan Goforth Professor Mattoon English 1A 23 January, 2013 Homework 7: Poe Debate Squads Both stories by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado” & “The Tell-Tale Heart” have a narrator who is set on indistinct motives as to why they are going to harm another human being. In "The Cask of Amontillado," it is the "thousands of injuries" and "insult" that Fortunato had given Montresor over the years. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," it is the old man's staring and vacant eye. Poe leads us on to
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Running Head: Cloning and Aspects of Cloning 1 Cloning and Aspects of Cloning Debates the Right and Wrong Name University Abstract 2 Cloning has been an ethical and debatable issue since the idea was first developed. There are many ways and processes of how to create cloning and many diseases that can be cured once the big issues are reconciled
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The debate of Blasio vs Lhota are very important people in our future in NYC. They are both candidates that are running to be the mayor of our great city. On Tuesdday, October 15,2013 there was a debate between the two of them. They both had great answers to the questions that were asked of them. Many of the questions were very important that was in regard of our safety, future projects, and just our city as a whole. Mr. De Blasio had a lot of good statements towards some
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What would happen if the United States suddenly stopped building walls and instead flung open its borders. But the idea isn't as radical as it may seem. For most of its history, the United States has had, for all practical purposes, open borders. "Really, the United States was an open-border situation, worldwide, up through the early 1900s -- except for Asians," "There were Asian-exclusion laws. But if you put that aside, it was open borders for the rest of the world." 1. Border Security: a.
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arguments both for and against the passage of California’s Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis act. The debate about legalization has been raging for over a hundred years, and when California voters went to the polls in November, the results were closely watched and hotly debated for not legalizing Cannabis. Opinions are varied depending on the source while the medical uses of marijuana are under debate; many doctors agree there are some medical uses for the drug. Bryan Hughes represents District Five
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Disaster in Fukushima, Japan 11/03/11 “Discussion” The art of discussion is an important part of English learning. It gives L2 students the ability to produce their own material based on their thoughts and opinions as opposed to simply stating and repeating information and memorising grammatical structures. Discussions are an excellent method to encourage students of all ages to express themselves, as well as give them a lot of speaking practice. However, the main focus for the assignment
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International Relations Debates That we should deploy troops in Iraq We = West (US, UK, AUS) – Australia in collaboration with Gulf States (Qatar, Kuwait) + Iran (30 000 current troops)/Saudi Arabia. Affirmative Case: Background: Destruction of cultural heritage in those states. Forcibly take over oil supplies. Beheading people. Sharia Law: Sexual violence, Violent Law, Enslavement (6000), Legal Marriage Age is 9. Any worshipping of Gods/idols is considered bad (Apostasy) – you are an apostate
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