Abortion Research Paper

Submitted By Omeezy
Words: 1056
Pages: 5

John Wood Community College

Abortion Informational Essay

Omar El Diraoui
PHL Ethics 121
Professor Palmer
April 9, 2014

Omar El Diraoui
Ethics 121
Professor Palmer
April 9, 2014

Abortion and the Effects Abortion should not be allowed unless the mother is facing the danger of death and or being hurt by the pregnancy. Abortion is related to the problem of pain, suffering, and death. Abortion is the process of removing of a uterus of a fetus before viability. An abortion could occur by the mishap of miscarriage or induced purposely. Almost 40% of women around the world have the access to legal choice of abortion. Abortion should be a serious topic amongst our youth and adults ranging from the ages of fifteen through thirty four. Abortion should be a taken as a serious subject on our political agenda and by people all around the globe. The Pro-Life choice argues that undeveloped human life should be protected by the government, and that abortion must not be practiced. On the other hand, we have Pro-Choice, which argues that abortion should be practiced to the point of viability. According to the Abortion Debate: The Search for Common Ground, “Those who endorse standard Pro-life and Pro-choice views regard the moral permissibility of abortion as strongly as strongly tied to the moral status of the fetus. While those with Pro-life sympathies generally that the fetus becomes a person (or shortly after) conception; those with Pro-choice empathies often maintain that the fetus is not fully a person until much later in its development, possibly not until or after birth” (Davis 519). Abortion is related to the problem of pain, suffering, and death because it is the cause of many deaths of undeveloped babies. These babies have a right to life but unfortunately are let go due to a miscarriage or other reasons involved. I’m not completely Pro-life; I tend to consider myself as a moderate. I believe that in some cases, a mother should have the choice of abortion if she was raped or facing harm or if the undeveloped baby is facing harm. The problem with abortion in the United States is that it is legal upon request. Abortion should not be legal on request; I believe that abortion should be legal for rape, maternal life, health, mental health, socioeconomic factors, and/or fetal defects. Women have the ability to be in control of their bodies, but when an undeveloped baby is conceived, he has no choice in the situation. There are plenty of people who can’t have child of their own and wish they could do so, I don’t see why abortion would be an option. These innocent undeveloped babies are being conceived while we sit here in silence without truly trying to understand that abortion is wrong. If couples were to consider forms of contraception, there probably wouldn’t be as many abortions as there are today. If people were to really consider forms of contraception more, we wouldn’t have to worry about abortion so much. According to The Abortion Debate: The Search for Common Ground, “The hope is to get Pro-choice and Pro-life adversaries to recognize that their deep shared values bind them together more strongly-or that they should bind them together more strongly- than their disagreements about abortion pull them apart. Strategies of rapprochement involve attempts to identify fundamental shared values, and attempts to show both that those agreements are more important than disagreements about abortion and that they can yield a principled rational basis for the resolution of abortion issues” (Davis 521). I believe that a method could be formed in order to solve the issue on abortion. We need to find a common ground to which almost everyone can agree on. With common ground, there will be far less people arguing over the situation. If political leaders all form an agreement to which abortion is limited and not just given to anyone who wants it, I think circumstances will be