Debate: Pregnancy and Dr. Stuart Derbyshire Essay

Submitted By ellastoyan
Words: 586
Pages: 3


Ella: Rights and not being ready and criminal activity

Becca: Rape and test

Becca: (Test)

Here’s a test, I am holding something in each of my hands. In one hand I am holding a two-month old baby, in the other a fetus. I am going to drop one of them, and you have to choose which one. The majority of people in this classroom are going to drop the fetus instead of the two-month old baby. Why would we make this decision? Firstly, after 24 weeks of being pregnant you are no longer able to have an abortion. The cut – off is 24 weeks because after this amount of time the fetus starts to grow and develop. Fetuses cannot feel pain until much later in the pregnancy, a fetus is not viable before 24 weeks; it cannot survive on its own. We believe that abortion should be legal before 24 weeks; our opponents on the other hand believe that it should not be legal at all. Doctors are willing to do an abortion before 24 weeks because after this time the baby is starting to develop, starting to feel pain and starting to be able to live on it’s own. According to Dr. Stuart Derbyshire PhD, a researcher at Birmingham University “The idea of fetal pain is an absurd and cruel one”. This states that the doctors will not cause any fetal pain and before 24 weeks abortion does not hurt the fetus at all. A two - month old baby on the other hand can feel pain, can live on its own, has been birthed and is now a human being. Doctors would rather kill a fetus then a living, breathing baby, just like you would. Killing the fetus is not the same as killing a baby. Abortion isn’t murder. Thank you.

Ella: (Rights)

Imagine if your best friend was pregnant, what would you think? Think about what she must be going through, the morning sickness, the headaches, the name – calling. Now imagine if you were pregnant, and you wanted to get an abortion but the government told you that you were not allowed. Society has already taken so many rights away from women; we can’t let them illegalize abortion too. In Saudi Arabia they make women wear Hijabs and Abayas. The only