Gun Control
Bryan Huston
English Composition 1
Baker College
Gun Control
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (U.S. Const. amend. II, § 2). Some will say that this is not true today. Some people believe that the government is continuing to try to take that away from the people of the United States.
Passing any substantive gun-control law was always a long shot, even after the nation cried out for a response to the mass shooting at Newtown, Conn. President Obama was angry at the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey plan, but some congressional veterans were less dispirited, noting that the Senate had actually been debating an issue of national importance--rather than just fighting over whether to have the debate--and elected officials were genuinely seeking answers (Johnson, 2013, para. 3). Senator Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, expressed to Johnson (2013) the following, “I think we need to have this debate. It needs to get aired out; I see it as a conversation about Second Amendment rights and the problems of our society” (para.4).
Gun control groups had pinned all their hopes on the carefully honed proposal by Toomey and Manchin to expand background checks for firearms sold at gun shows and on the Internet. It ended up five votes short of the 60 needed to pass. Tragically, the Senate could not even find enough votes to pass a mild proposal to strengthen penalties for trafficking guns (Johnson, 2013, para. 5). The gun-regulation fight is at a political stalemate. Congress is simply reflecting a divided public. Almost half of Americans (49 percent) think gun laws should be stricter, according to the most recent Associated Press/GfK poll. The other half (48 percent) think gun laws should remain as they are or be even less strict (Johnson, 2013, para. 7).
In an article written by Chris Frates titled “The Gun Debate Isn’t Over Yet” (2013) informs that negotiations between Senators, Chuck Schumer, D-New York., and Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, bogged down over whether private sellers would have to maintain records of background checks. The lines of communication are still open between the two men, but much of the deal-making has now fallen to Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat known for his pro-gun positions. Manchin has been talking to GOP Senator Mark Kirk, a moderate from Illinois, along with Coburn and other Republican senators, in a bid to find a compromise (para. 3).
Democratic Senator, Richard Blumenthal's home state of Connecticut--the site of the school shootings in December that sparked the new gun-control push--recently passed a bipartisan plan to overhaul its gun laws (Frates, 2013, para.6). The Democratic Senator explained to Frates (2013) that “there's a real opportunity for compromise on national background checks” (para.6).
Despite criticism that Reid has waited too long to act after Newtown put guns back into the national conversation and gave gun-control advocates the political high ground, some Democrats are standing by the majority leader's strategy. His defenders argue that he worked as quickly as possible, considering he had to wait weeks for the White House to issue its recommendations (Frates, 2013, para. 8).
When the U.S. Senate voted down every major gun proposal in April, gun control advocates were understandably deflated. After all, even an expansion of background checks for all firearm sales--a measure supported by about 88 percent of Americans—could not garner a filibuster-proof majority (Wogan, 2013, para. 1).
Since the Newtown Connecticut school shooting, four states have passed new laws requiring universal background checks, three have expanded bans against military-style assault weapons and four have expanded bans on ammunition clips carrying more than 10 rounds. By the middle of June, new gun control legislation had passed in Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and New York,
February 21, 2013 Dr. Long Eng 111 Gun Control America is known as the land of freedom. However, in present times some citizens feel that the new firearm legislation proposed by the President and his subordinates is stripping that very freedom from them. On the other hand there are many citizens that feel the new legislation will give citizens comfort and peace of mind. In January 2013, President Barack Obama announced that there should be new gun laws in regards mainly to the horrific…
Richard Truong Kolstad English 1B May 11, 2013 Gun Control Out of all modern states, the U.S. has the longest democratic tradition. Most democratic norms, freedoms and rules of functioning of political institutions have been enshrined by the U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1787. However, this continuity has not only positive consequences: the creators of the Constitution could not have foreseen how the situation in the domestic and foreign policy would change within centuries, that is why many provisions…
Gun Control Gun control is a pretty controversial issue. There are groups on both sides arguing why we should or should not have rules when it comes to gun regulation. When asked about it, most people who own a gun have it to protect themselves (67%), the next most popular reason is for target shooting (66%), and the last is for hunting (41%). Gun control is a controversial issue because there have been Increased…
Katie Zurita Solis CRWT 101 Professor Baxter Research Paper 18 December 2014 Gun Control The United States of America has laws in place for ownership and control of weapons such as guns. The Constitutions under The Second Amendment gives U.S citizens the right to own and bear arms. Unfortunately, throughout the past decade the United States has seen events in where its citizens have abused their right to bear arms. Ownerships of weapons in America resulted in massive shootings in schools and malls…
Mr. Chadwick Government Honors28 March 2014 Gun Control Many people have issues with the federal government deciding if there should be gun control. Some want to completely ban all civilian ownership of firearms and some want to make it harder for people to get guns. Whether they believe guns are good for America or dangerous for America that is still being argued. There are many out there that are against having gun control because they feel their Second Amendment rights are being violated. These…
The Pros of Gun Control Over the past decade gun control in America has become quite the topic in most households. “In 2011, over 400,000 people were victims of crimes that involved firearms in the United States”(National Institute of Justice).You would think that most people would support regulations or state mandates that would bring more order to gun control, but our society shows mixed reviews on how to approach the issue. Our country has bred a culture of people who believe that guns are essential…
Gun Control in The Unites States Eddie Tello 8 A.M MWF Gun control is any practice or intention designed to restrict or limit the possession, production, importation, shipment, sale, and/or use of guns or other firearms by private or commonly citizens. Most commonly the guns in question are personal firearms, typically handguns and long guns. Gun control laws and policy vary greatly around the world; some countries such as the United Kingdom have very strict limits on gun possession while…
Gun Control - Page One Crime and guns. The two seem to be cohesive with each other, but are they really associated with one another? Do guns lead to crimes? Do laws placing restrictions on firearm ownership really protect citizens or do they promote opportunities for criminals to take advantage of? Gun violence is a regularly debated political issue in the United States, considering that 30,000 people die from a gunshot each year. Gun-related violence is most common in poor urban areas and…
Gun Control Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden and Olivia Engel are only three of the twenty children killed in the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (JD Journal 1). These innocent little children had their lives ripped away from them at the ages of six and seven by a mentally unstable man. They had no say, no input on whether they could live or die. It seems as though every week a new tragedy that no one was expecting; not the family of the shooter or the family of the shot, arises.…
people who have gun-disqualifying mental health histories have been reported to the National Instant Check System, where they could be discovered in a routine background check of a prospective gun purchaser. A felony conviction is also supposed to disqualify people from buying a gun, but only 40% of murder suspects have such a previous record of conviction. The present national moment of grief and soul searching should not become another occasion for oversimplifying the problem of gun violence and…