Distinction grade
Submission dates formative and summative:formative to check if your work is in line with expectation and standardSummative is the formal submission date
Task 1
‘The life journey is fraught with challenges from birth to the end of life that can influence the development of the individual.’
Essay: describe the life journey,includingphysical, intellectual,emotional and social developmentthrough the life stages, including five life factors and the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable major life events on the development of the individual. Explain how major life events can influence the development of the individual Discuss and evaluate the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of the individual’
1500-1700 word essay, include five references using the Harvard referencing system
P1 describe physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development for each of the life stages of an individual.
P2 describe the potential influences of five life factors on the development of individuals
P3 describe the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable majorlife events on the development of theindividual
M1 discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual.
D1 evaluate how nature and nurture may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two stages of the development of an individual 1st submission:
2nd submission:
(Submission dates may change you will be notified)
This is an essay that should include a brief description of the PIES for each of the five life stages (P1). You must also describe the potential influences of five life factors (P2) and the influences of twopredictable and two unpredictable major life events (P3). For M2 you must explain how life events can influence development.
Students need to discuss the nature-nurture debate, you must include theorists and their theories of the nature-nurture debate (M1). D1 will be the basis of the evaluation of how natureand nurture may affectthe physical, intellectual,emotional and socialdevelopment of two stages of the development of anindividual.
Assessment Task
Pass grade criteria
Merit grade criteria
Distinction grade
Submission dates formative and summative:formative to check if your work is in line with expectation and standardSummative is the formal submission date
Task 2
Case Study: Fictional: Mrs Amina Patel, is 85 years old, she came to England from India as part of an arrangement to marry. She has always lived in the Harrow area; her husband died 6 years ago following a history of heart disease and diabetes. She has four grown up children, her eldest married daughter is a General Practitioner working locally, the middle son and daughter have emigrated to the USA, the youngest son is married and manages his own small building company. Over the last 4 years Mrs Patel has become increasingly forgetful and disorganized ,Following referral to specialist services Mrs Patel is diagnosed with senile dementia(Alzheimer’s Disease) and was recently admitted to a well established private nursing home. You should draw on your experiences in placement to address this assignment.