Verleta Shearer
Access to HE
Psychology Assignment 1
Submitted 05/11/2014
The purpose of this essay is to evaluate two psychological approaches to explain aggression. The nature side argues that aggression is biological this includes genetics, hormones and the brain. Firstly, I will explain the biological theory of aggression and focusing on hormones this will argue for the nature side of the debate then I will explain the nurture aspect which is social learning theory developed by Bandura
(1977). The essay will consider the applications of each approach to assist us with understanding and managing aggression. It will conclude with whether any of the two cases fully proves the basis of aggression, maybe both are correct or it could be that another approach seems like a more satisfactory explanation. Definition of aggression
Feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront
(Google 2014)
Verleta Shearer
Access to HE
Psychology Assignment 1
Submitted 05/11/2014
It is believed by many that hormones play a big role in the biological approach to aggression, as it is part of our makeup as human beings. It is claimed by Brain (2009 p.97) that in animals there is a clear cause and effect relationship between testosterone and aggression. However, in humans this isn’t as clear cut, a relationship is shown but there is no clear cause and effect. So it stands to reason that this study cannot be applicable to
human behaviour. Tests have shown that increased levels of testosterone in men are associated with aggression and antisocial behaviour. This was demonstrated by Olweus (1988) who has shown that adolescent boys who have higher levels of testosterone were more likely to behave aggressively when provoked. In another study by Dalton (1961), testosterone in some women leads to antisocial behaviour, especially during the premenstrual period. The ratio of oestrogen and progesterone during the menstrual period has been proven to cause physical and psychological problems such as aggression. By using this explanation to argue in favour of the cause of aggression key things like the way we were brought up and
Verleta Shearer
Access to HE
Psychology Assignment 1
Submitted 05/11/2014
social situations are being pushed aside. Not because you have high levels of testosterone doesn’t automatically mean that you are aggressive. It could just mean that you posses more athletic abilities or more motivated in your pursuit to achieve set goals. Men naturally have higher levels of testosterone than women but some women are a lot more aggressive than some men and not all men are violent. This helps to show that this theory is not irrefutable it leaves room for dispute.
Verleta Shearer
Access to HE
Psychology Assignment 1
Submitted 05/11/2014
Social Learning Theory
As human beings, starting from a very early age we learn things through watching other people.
Psychologist Albert Bandura developed the social learning theory to prove this notion. He believed that most human behaviour is learnt observationally through modelling: this is where you copy the behaviour you see however observational learning can still take effect without modelling, this can be done by simply paying attention to the person being observed, remembering things that we've seen and motivation is having the incentive to copy what you see.
This was proven in his (1961) laboratory experiment with children and the bobo doll. Where children under the age of 6 were put in groups and subjected to a number of activities. The result of the experiment was that children who were exposed to the violent models imitated the exact behaviour that they saw. The same for the group of kids that were exposed to the non violent models they showed less aggression. In this same study it was proven that boys who observed a male model behaving violently were more influenced than those who observed a female model