School Dress Code Every school enforces rules in order to have an organized foundation. Rules are the aspects of keeping the construction under control, but there are limitations to how much you can actually control without having rebellions. Are schools taking advantage of the rules? Should their be a clothing system? These are the notifications that need to be answered. Vallivue high school should not be able to prohibit clothing and revoke the dress code. The main factor that schools do not
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Vanessa L Gurrola Eng 111G The Need For School Uniforms in Schools. Do you even remember when we were little and we did not like school uniforms because we would all look like maybe the so called “geeks”? Well, let me tell you that I never thought of changing my mind about the opinion of opposing to the use of uniforms .Before uniforms to me were a subject that would only make me think that we did not have the freedom of using the latest fashion clothes. For me it was somehow
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Being a high school student in a school where the student body would be influenced by uniforms, I am taking a strong stance on my argument that school uniforms should me mandatory in all schools. School uniforms will enhance the education students are receiving, establish a sense of pride in students for their school, create a comfortable, bully-free, and relaxed learning environment for student and drastically reduce inappropriate clothing choices. Having school uniforms would allow students to
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Should School Uniforms be in Public Schools? There has been a debate about children wearing uniforms in public schools. I am a parent of a child that wears a uniform to school. Picking out her clothes is so simple that she does it herself. My youngest daughter attends Sheffield Elementary School here in Lynchburg. She has no problem picking out her favorite jumper, white top, and favorite pair of shoes to start her day. All in all, there is not any fuss about “what
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of people working on a common agenda or under one roof. The schools and education institutions are no exception to this rule and they therefore have worn the uniforms since the beginning of the modern era after the dark ages of the European history subsided. Students should be wearing uniform for multiple reasons. They must do so in order to ensure the standard and equality amongst the ranks. The establishment and enactment of uniform will ensure removal of the atmosphere of any unhealthy competition
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School Uniforms Should Be Required In All School Should school uniforms be required? Most school educators students and parents think that having school uniforms will take away the right of freedom of choice. Others believe that if all students are in the same uniform, each individual student will look at the other in the same light, no one will feel inferior. After carefully reviewing both sides of the issue I believe that all students should wear uniforms. Some parents and educators
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School Uniform Ephraim Hnuna Public Speaking Saturday 12PM Class Introduction (Attention Getter) : School uniform makes students giving attention for learning. Wearing uniform will stop kids from getting teased about their clothes. Uniform would make all student equal, one level. Uniforms act as social equalizers for students in school. “School uniforms promote a single standard of dress. Therefore, school environments become less competitive and more focused on learning.” http://www.frenchtoast
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attending a public high school in New Hampshire, the issue of school uniforms has become extremely prominent in today’s topics of discussion. Rumors flood the hallways about what is going to happen in the future. Like almost every debated topic, there are two sides: those who are pro uniform and those who are against uniforms. Unfortunately, some people are misled and terribly misinformed as to what uniforms actually do, or even more so, what they don’t do. A school uniform has little to no affect
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++Angelina Castillo Period 4 Persuasive Essay May 9, 2013 School Uniforms Forced or Forgotten My goal is to persuade you about these horrible uniforms. I will first explain the problems with school uniforms. I remembered when I was in middle school, I didn’t wear the cutest clothes, or was with the current fashion trend and was often spaced out when my friends would be talking about clothes. I felt like I didn’t belong, but I didn’t let that get to me, sometimes I wanted to buy the most
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Annie Venditto English Period 7 November School Uniforms From the outside looking in, most would consider school uniforms to be an unnecessary complication. From the perspective of one who has spent the entirety of their schooling lasting by a dress code, it hazzs become certain that school uniforms greatly benefit the day to day life of a student. With the origin of the school uniform coming about through an effort belonging to segregation, the concept has evolved from one of hate into one with very many positive
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School Uniforms (Page 23) One major problem with uniforms is that they restrict a student or whomever is wearing the uniform, to express their selves. Uniforms are in use for a few reasons: conforming a select group of people, the creation of equality, and a display of a certain level of status or class. While uniforms are exercised as a status of equal rank and certain standards, many don’t always agree on why students and others, should allow and wear uniforms. The main purpose uniforms serve
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6th School uniforms are needed in modern society to avoid problems in schools and in workplace. Uniforms usually consist of any color shirt {example, maroon, navy-blue, or gold shirt} and dress pants. With uniforms gang problems decreased {example; violence, drug distribution, and etc. Uniforms also work in the workplace and school zone it makes productivity skyrockets due to the feeling of professionalism. With uniforms school zones are
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2015 School Uniforms Kristen Stewart was bullied while in school for the way she dressed ,but she didn’t want to be fashionable, she just wanted the bullying to stop. Should children be worrying about what they wear to school or if they’ll be made fun of for it? If schools choose to use school uniforms they could enhance the safety of the children, be better financially for families and create a better learning environment for the children. School uniforms should be a necessity in all schools so
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The focus of this position paper is school uniforms. Many schools have made the choices to have their students wear uniforms because they are thought to be very beneficial. One side believes that school uniforms will help authorities to distinguish who belongs in the school and who doesn’t reduce social snobbery and peer pressure, and cost efficient. They believe school uniforms encourage a sense of propriety and discipline. The other side feels that uniforms can alter one individuality. They can
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School uniforms should not be required because they do not benefit families. It also brings stress on children and their families . Also it brings financial burdens on some families too there has been a lot of research done on opinion’s on school uniforms. For or against uniforms i found uniforms to make a very controversial arguments . Personally in my opinion one big reason that i don't think uniforms should be required to any students is the stress that it brings the students and brings their
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problem. I believe that the use of enforcing school uniform or a school dress code, would help not only decrease bullying but also unite people together and make this learning environment, where you spend most of your day, a better place to be. Usually most people think of school uniforms as a private school thing but recently many more public schools are joining the minority. The first public school to have a school uniform was Cherry Hill Elementary School in Baltimore in 1987. This was a big deal
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discussion over school uniforms has been a heated debate amongst administrators and students for decades. While common in private schools, uniforms are beginning to show up in public schools across the nation. Most students resist, which is why it is important to highlight the positives of enforcing a school uniform policy. While it can sometimes be viewed as a violation of student rights, school uniforms can create a positive learning environment, decrease school violence, increase school pride, and
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have the opportunity to represent their schools and communities in a very SPECIAL way. They are the shining faces, the helpful hands, the talented and spirited youth of this generation. They truly are AMERICA ,and with a few helpful suggestions, can be the faces ,talents, and the pride of their school as ALL-AMERICAN CHEERLEADERS. A - Athletic cheerleaders are true athletes of a school and their apparel is important to that image. Cheerleading uniforms for young girls and guys should unify the
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School Uniforms Courtney Singer Jessica Guire English Composition II November 25, 2013 Now a days many public and private schools are requiring students to wear uniforms. There are many positives to schools requiring uniforms. I do believe all schools across the United states should require students to wear uniforms because the student can benefit so much as far as higher academic learning, cuts a lot of cost for parents and stress as well, students feel like
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shouldn't have to were a uniform in a public school. If we all had to wear a uniform, everyone would be the same and the world would be just plain and dull. Everyone would look the same. How about we just wear our own clothes instead of a uniform. First of all, Maybe we all would like to be just ourselves and wear our own outfits and choose what we wear. And not wear a school uniform! Everyone would be the same and not happy. Some people might be happy to wear a uniform because they won't have
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you noticed school dress codes are in the news? School uniforms are a hot topic. Many public schools are revising their dress codes to establish school uniforms. Are school uniforms good or bad? There are many different reasons for school uniforms. Some say having a school uniform helps to prevent violence and others say it prevents originality. School uniforms have many positives. Kids that go to schools that have uniforms display better behavior. The kids may not agree with uniforms but it is what
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Fact: Uniforms cannot deter the larger issue of violence and drug abuse in schools. One doesn't need to look any further than Bill Clinton's address itself to understand the hypocritical nature of this argument. To quote a few excerpts from his speech, "Today I'm visiting Long Beach, California, a community that has helped to restore order to its schools by requiring elementary and middle school students to wear uniforms... We've all seen the tragic headlines screaming of the death of a teenager
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Considering school uniforms' limitation on confidence and self-esteem, the small impact they have on violence and behavioral issues, and their long-term diminishing of students' academics, standardized clothing in schools is unfair, unconstitutional, and a policy that needs to be removed from American education. According to the U.S. Constitution, "[There shall be] no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
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AP Language Arts 21, April 2009 Uniforms Become Mandatory for All Students I was at Hollister the other day watching two girls fight over which top they thought their friends at school would like better, and which one would attract the most attention. Neither girl could decide between the lacy white tank with a low v-neck or a pink frilly tub top, both of which expose too much skin and break dress code. Already in their hands to be purchased were some of the shortest shorts that looked
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Students enrolled in a public high school should berequired to wear a school uniform. Many studies show that when school-uniform policies are put into place, there is animprovement in both attitude and schoolwork. Wearinguniforms would also reduce clothing costs and many problemsrelated to competition in dress.Uniforms can improve the school environment, leadingto better student behavior and better grades. Mrs. Chung, a highschool principal, conducted research on the results of wearinguniforms. She
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parents, and students have debated whether or not students should be required to wear school uniforms. This controversial issue is yet to be solved. Although proponents of school uniforms claim that they are useful in preventing gangs and cliques from forming in school, opponents believe that uniforms interfere with students’ right to freedom of speech. Should parents be troubled with the cost of uniforms on top of all other expenses for their children? How can students be expected to grow as
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Isaac Diaz 09/25/2013 Uniforms There is a debate today about whether or not uniforms should be required in high school. Some people say this would be a violation of individual rights and not help the school environment at all. Others say uniforms will benefit students. High school students should be required to wear uniforms. First, uniforms will help disciple the students. For example, uniforms will make students focus more, instead of worrying about their clothes. Grades will improve
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Instituting a Uniform Policy in U.S. Public Schools Christine Bronson American Intercontinental University Prepared for Dr. Erica Ellsworth English Composition II: ENGL107 - 1405A – 22 Due by November 16, 2014 at 11:59 pm Abstract This paper is a persuasive essay on the instituting of school uniform policies in U. S. public schools. It is written from the author’s point of view and opinions. There is no required research, therefore no references are given. The counterpoint of infringing on self-expression
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Dress Rehearsal for Success Growing up and performing well in school is often one of the more important responsibilities in our lives, with an emphasis on getting an education to be able to advance to our future careers. In order to stress the importance of focus in the classroom to all students, discipline must be enforced in all schools. Most students going to K- 12th grade public schools have the choice to dress to express themselves and practice their First Amendment rights as an American
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November 2014 School Uniforms The idea of wearing school uniforms is a difficult concept for North Americans to latch onto and apply to our everyday lives. Wearing uniforms is typically practiced in private school. Research has shown that uniforms help students perform well academically and are very comfortable wearing the same outfit every day. Statistics recorded in Alexandria, Virginia show that uniforms have helped the school overall by seventy-two percent (Tucker). American schools should incorporate
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