Business Plan For Opening A Trade School

Words: 3460
Pages: 14

BUS 435
Business Plan for a Opening a Trade School

Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary 3
II. Description of the business 4
III. Marketing 5
IV. Research, design, and development 9
V. Operations segment 10
VI. Management 12
VII. Financial forcasting 14
VIII. Harvest strategy 16

I. Executive Summary This business plan is to open a door for young adults that want to learn a trade and earn their way in life. Not all high school aged students are eager to go onto a college or a university and this can be for many reasons: perhaps they are not ready to leave home; cannot afford; they are academically challenged; not sure what they want to major in; the list can go on and on. My wish for these young adults is for them to

A. 0.00 - 5,000.00 B. 6,000 - 15,000 C. 16,000 - 25,000 D. 30,000 and up

The first question, there were 2 respondents that chose B) to attend a university; one that chose A) community college; 1 chose A) community college and C) work; and 1 choose C) work. From the answers to this question I can surmise that 4 of the participants are interested in continuing their education, and possibly 3 could be interested in a trade school if it offered the programs they are interested in. The second question, 3 out of the 5 chose something in the medical profession; health practitioner; medical esthetician; and a radiology technician. 1 respondent chose computer programming; and 1 chose unsure. From this information I would say there are possibly four potential students, the health practitioner would obviously need to obtain a degree from a medical school. On the Third question, 3 out of 5 chose no, they did not want to receive information on the trade school or what it had to offer, and 2 that did. The way I posed the question might have something to do with the negative responses, as most people are turned off to receiving more junk mail, and or get signed up for something they don't want. Perhaps if I had posed the question in a more inviting manner than as matter of fact as I did; for instance, we will be hosting an open house at our facility with refreshments and would like to extend an invitation to you. That could have made it more pleasing to read