Martial Arts Academy School Management System (MAAS MS)
Martial Arts Academy
Anthony Lim 300259328
Martial Arts Academy School Management
System (MAAS MS)
Lim Consulting
Martial Arts Academy
Business Case
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Martial Arts Academy School Management System (MAAS MS)
Martial Arts Academy
Introduction of Company ......................................................... 3
Project Description ................................................................... 3
Desired Areas of Impact ........................................................... 4
Desired Value of the project ..................................................... 5
Alternatives ................................................................................ 6
Analysis of Alternatives ........................................................... 7
Ø Total Cost of Ownership ............................................................................. 7
Ø Total Benefit of Ownership (TBO): .............................................................. 8
Martial Arts Academy School Management System (MAAS MS)
Martial Arts Academy
Introduction of Company
Martial Arts Academy is a company started by Grandmaster Taylor, which is now owned by two black belt instructors, Geoff and Julie. MAA currently has 35 students, ranging from ranks of white belts to advanced black belts. Kids classes are for children age’s six to 12, and adult classes from 13 years and onwards.
Students pre-pay for 1-hour classes per week, and are able to attend to scheduled classes from Monday to Saturday. Students are able to test for their next rank after receiving a minimum of 36 class hours, and filling a testing form along with a $20.00 testing fee.
Martial Arts Academy also has a retail component. Students can purchase uniforms, sparring gear, patches, and martial arts weapons.
Project Description
The current system is paper-based. Each student has a class card kept in alphabetical order in a file box near the workout area. After each class, the instructor will mark their initial on each student’s class card corresponding to the date. Once a students receives eight hours of classes, the instructor circles that date and places a paper clip to indicate this. However this system has problems, either the paperclips fall out the card or the instructor does not mark their initial.
Lim Consulting has been hired to deliver the project of a school management information system in Martial Arts Academy. This project will offer MAA the ability to automate their class tracking system, improve student retention, increase profit from more student signings, and the efficient management of student, class, instructor and retail information. The project will offer MAA tangible and intangible benefits that will not have been seen through their current paper-based system.
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Martial Arts Academy School Management System (MAAS MS)
Martial Arts Academy
Desired Areas of Impact
The MOV table below lists the potential areas that this project will impact and summarizes the measurable organizational value of the MAA.
Increase in number of new student sign-ups.
Increased market share against the other two martial arts academies.
students to 50 students •
33.3% increased 50%
Sign-up and class file card processes are more efficient.
Customers receive a better service Page 4
12 months •
12 months •
1 month
1 month
Reduce number of student dropouts. •
Time Frame
Reduce student dropouts from
10% to 5%
of customers will respond via surveys that the processes are more efficient.
90% of customers will respond via surveys that the service has improved. Martial Arts Academy School Management System (MAAS MS)
Martial Arts Academy