Grant Application Assignment PRM 426 Dr. Hammersley Emily Denison April 30, 2013
Baseball Tomorrow Fund The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) is a joint initiative between Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA.) The fund awards grants to organizations involved in the operation of youth baseball and softball programs and facilities. Mission • The mission of BTF is to promote and enhance the growth of youth participation in baseball and softball throughout the world. • BTF funds programs, fields, coaches training and uniforms, equipment and other selected program expenses. • In addition, BTF provides educational support to grant recipients and applicants, to help organizations become self-sufficient and effective. History Announced during the 1999 World Series, the fund began with a $10 million commitment by MLB and the MLBPA, and since then, both parties have agreed to additional, annual contributions which have more than doubled the original commitment. BTF awards grants on a quarterly basis. The fund awards an average of 45 grants per year averaging more than $1.5 million annually. To date, BTF has awarded over 600 grants totaling more than $22 million to non-profit and tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. More than 300,000 youth players have benefited from programs and facilities supported by the fund. (Statistics through May 2012.) Leadership • • The fund is overseen by a nine-person Board of Directors, which meets quarterly. Chaired by Roland W. Betts, Chairman of Chelsea Piers Management, LLC in New York City, the BTF Board of Directors is comprised of senior executives from MLB and the MLBPA. • In 2000, Cathy Bradley was named the executive director. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the fund including reviewing and recommending grant applications. Programs & Resources To maximize its reach, BTF also provides educational support and resources to help organizations become more self-sufficient. BTF has also created complementary programs and funding opportunities to address specific needs of youth baseball and softball organizations. • •
Grant Criteria Does this project... • Increase the number of youth participating in baseball and softball programs? • Improve the quality of youth baseball and softball programs? • Create new or innovative ways of expanding and improving baseball or softball programs? • Generate matching funds? • Address programs for children aged 10-16? • Support existing programs which have demonstrated success in providing a quality baseball or softball experience for youth? • Specific Project Criteria Field Lights Projects selected to receive a Baseball Tomorrow Fund grant for field lighting must meet the following requirements: • Significantly expand or affect baseball or softball programs in a measurable way in terms of league enrollment and/or field use. • Correspond to a demonstrated need in terms of number of teams/participants and field availability. • Provide field availability that serves multiple community youth leagues, school programs, etc. • Provide field availability that serves youth (18 and under) programs. • Provide field availability that serves both boys and girls baseball and softball programs whenever feasible. • Provide proof of ownership or lease agreements and demonstrate partnership agreements with the organizations and agencies involved. • Include all necessary permits for the installation of lights. • Provide a detailed maintenance plan for the lighted fields. Grant Submission Requirements Please read carefully and consider the following important information: • Non-profit and tax-exempt organizations involved in youth baseball and softball programs are eligible to apply. An application must designate ONE organization as the applicant. • BTF is intended to provide funding for incremental programming and facilities for youth baseball and softball programs, not for normal
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