Islam and its Impact in Egypt Islam has influenced Egypt culturally, politically and socially. When Egypt was conquered by Amir ibn al As, (made commander by the founder of Islam himself, Muhammed) on December 12, 639, Islam was introduced into the country of Egypt. This conquest ushered in a new Islamic way of life for the Egyptian people, for example a new way of dressing, speaking, and even new religious rituals.
The conquest of Egypt began when the Prophet Muhammad died. Amir ibn al As gave the Egyptian people 3 choices: convert to Islam, retain their religion in return for payment of the poll tax, or war. In time, most of the people accepted the Muslim faith and the Arabic language became the language of government, culture, and commerce. From that time onward Egypt's history was forever intertwined with the history of the Arab world. (The Arab Conquest) Roberts 2 Evidence of the acceptance of the conquerors lifestyle is seen when Egyptians begin to embrace the Islamic style of dress. For example, in ancient Egypt, fashion was thought of as a sign of status. Men usually wore kilts and women wore a colorful dress with straps. People of higher economic or political status wore gold head pieces, necklaces, and rings, various amount of make-up, and expensive fabrics. (The Egyptians-Clothing) But in present-day Egypt, the Islamic influence is seen in the change to more plain, modest, and loose fitting clothing. Women usually cover their arms and legs and their clothes must hang loose so that the shape of their body is not apparent. (The Islamic Dress Code) Men have fewer restrictions, however; they are expected to only wear pants that stop above their ankles and not to wear gold, silk, or any type of clothing that would resemble a woman. (Islamic Dress for Men) The author of the "Islamization and Education in Egypt: Between Politics, Culture and the Market" Linda Herrera, states that even in the Egyptian school systems it has been institutionalized that all female students must wear a veil as apart of their school uniform. (qtd. in Mapping Islamic Actors In Egypt)
Roberts 3 Even Egyptian greetings and gestures are centered on Islam. Egyptians have now replaced the secular form of greetings, such as "Good Morning" or "Good Afternoon" with Islamic terms for the same thing. (The Islamic Greeting and its Etiquette) When greeting someone it is expected to say "Assalamu Alilkum Wa Rahmatulah Wa Barakatuh" which means peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you from Allah and you respond by saying, "Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh" which means may the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. This greeting is an Islamic greeting which was instituted over 1400 years ago. (Mapping Islamic Actors In Egypt)
According to the "Mapping Islamic Actors in Egypt", Egyptians have been devoting their leisure time to Islamic rituals, such as fasting and daily prayers. Also, people have been reading more of Islamic literature and watching and listening to Islamic media than ever before. According to this source, Egyptians are even using Islamic ringtones and screen savers. (Mapping Islamic Actors In Egypt) Also, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, over the past 40 years there has been an increase in Islamic related religious activities, such as their mosques (increased to 104,389 in 2008-2009 compared to 74,500 in 2002), preachers, publications, and media. (qtd. in Mapping Islamic Actors In Egypt) Even the author of the "Islamization