Why Should We Dress For Success In The Medical Field

Submitted By jennifer334
Words: 422
Pages: 2

Why should we dress for success in the medical field? 55 percent comes from the appearance. So, it’s in our best interest that we don’t look like a complete slob. If we did, we’d have a bad reputation. Who would want us to work for them if we came to work looking a mess?
On interview day, you should make yourself look representable. By that I mean don’t wear shorts, jeans, short dresses and short skirts. Make yourself look like you really want this job. Dressing up for this job interview shows the employee that you understand the need to make an extra effort for special situations. First thing you should actually do is introduce yourself. Make sure you have complete eye contact with the person you're talking to. It shows the interviewer that you're really interested in what he/she is saying.
Second, make sure your grammar is great. You shouldn't go to a job interview showing that you have no education in English. You want them to know that you went to school and learned how to talk. If you were to talk like you had no English education, then I'm pretty sure you won't get the job. Also, make sure you talk loudly and clearly. If you're talking so low and mumbling words together, how are they going to know that you really want this job?
When you get the job in the medical field, make sure you're dressed in correct uniform. Scrubs could be a great start, but it all depends on what part of the medical field you work in. If you were to wear jewelry to work, make sure it's at a