thee. Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! It is an ever-fixèd mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even
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inside this moment, but being unable to grab onto it. I suspect it is this that inspires people to have children and love affairs. As in fairy tales, we imagine love as total protection and bliss. We want love to be floating leaf boats down river, clasping our hands in joy, magically producing leaves for as long as we want them, ensuring we clear fences, and protecting who we love from everything, forever. Which is why this moment at the same time held tragedy. The heartbreak when we fail our
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05/02/2012 Lee Santos Love Webster's Dictionary defines love as, "A strong feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire, enthusiasm, or fondness." But to me, love is not just a feeling, it is the way that you treat the ones you care for. Everyone should treat loved ones so considerately through their actions, that they will know that they are loved and cared for. Love in my eyes, is making that sacrifice for someone, knowing that you might regret it sooner or later. Love is how you make another
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8/3/2013 Love Love was the most important thing in our life. Love could make our lives become wonderful because it could make me get closer to others, make us have goals to achieve and make our lives full of moving. First, love could make us get closer. In the beginning I came to the US, I was very lonely because I did not speak English pretty well, I had no friends and I did not much about the US. I felt like I was separated from my classmates because they had been good friends
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Enrique lost his emotional need for acceptance from his family which led to his journey to the United States. Maria's emotional need of affection was threatened throughout the book. At the beginning of the book, Enrique left her in order to go to the United States. She lost her first love of her life and does not know when she will be able to see him again. After Enrique left her, she had a daughter who she loved. This became her source of affection in Honduras but it was threatened once again. Years after Enrique left Maria, he tells her to come to the United States to
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Love is the world’s greatest mystery. It is a feeling that holds the most happiness and the most extreme sadness or anger. “Somewhere I have never travelled” by e. E. Cummings and “Psalm 183” by Joseph Zitt show love in their individual way, ways we can all connect to. BY comparing and contrasting these two poems, we recognize that many interpretations of love exist. Moreover, it is clear that love can hold various definitions These poets effectively use imagery as an important instrument to depict
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Many married couples seem to get stuck in a situation of helplessness and fear for years especially when they feel the person they love is no longer reachable. Each person in the relationship can have their own posture, set of gestures, and even hairstyles, as well as a distinct way of dressing and talking when their personality begins to change. Most of the time the changes is sudden and takes only seconds. When the bad behavior shows signs of becoming a pattern, typically most of us would begin
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1) Journal entry – Hermia I wish that my father would understand who I really love, instead of forcing me to marry some clown in which will never happen. It’s like he’s under a Demetrius love spell, I wonder if he got to know my love Lysander a little better his opinions would change. I also wish that Theseus would come up and speak of something, he is in love , and he is marrying the love of his life why am I unable to marry mine. I have to choose between death or marrying someone I see nothing
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"Summer" When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turned brown And we could be together baby As long as skies are blue You act so innocent now But you lied so soon When I met you in the summer When I met you in the summer To my heartbeat sound We fell in love As the leaves turned brown And we could be together baby As long as skies are blue You act so innocent now But you lied so soon When I met you in the summer Summer When I
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What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his or her own thoughts about love to guide himself or herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this proper idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousand of obstacles in front of him. What is Love? I know this question exists in each human being's mind including myself. If not it is still waiting to be discovered deeply
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"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven."-Karen Sunde. Love is one of the most difficult concepts and ideas to understand and accept. When one opens up to the conceptt of love is when they allow themselves to open their hearts and their mind, when they allow themselves to become vulnerable. Why would the body allow this “change” to happen, this vulnerability to be established? Because we need love. Love although difficult to define holds one imperative ideal and that is, happiness. When one is
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Vince Lauren L. Zapata Mr. Wall ENC 1102 Sunday, October 5, 2014 “Like Is Not Love, Love Is Not Like” Like and love are two completely different things. When a person likes somebody, he or she is just getting to know that person and trying to figure out if there is something more between the two of them. Like is just making friends, so it is not as deep as love is. People do not really know if they are going to grow to be the best of friends or discover that they really do not like each other
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Love A description of love, the psychological theories and a few ways I have experienced them. The philosophy of love by the ancient Greek culture describes four different kinds of love. Agape represents love that is unconditional and selfless, as personified in commitment. Philia represents love which characterizes friendship and personified in intimacy. Eros represents the love as in romance and physical desire and personified as passion. Storage represents the natural affection for things and
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Love. What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Love is built on a foundation of trust, a thin barrier between formality and chaos. As we grow older we learn to start to build friendship with the people we have things most in common with, along with the people who accept and understand us the best. Love can also be contemplated as a dangerous component of life that works to deceive and manipulate other people’s trust. Many people will argue that love is contaminated
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The last mentionable level of love is that bond between a mother and her children. There is no stronger, nor will there ever be. This bond starts from the very first tiny fluttering of movement and never ends, even after death of the child. A mother protects her children in the name of love, and directs them through life using it as the example to follow. Well, at least it should be. It's because of her children a mother will work at a job she hates, just to make sure they have everything they could
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ability to tell right from wrong should be as innate as eating when hungry. Love has an immense variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that range from interpersonal affection to pleasure; LOVE is often categorized as the most important virtue to civilization. It has also been massively pointed out by social media as the “cure” for all the problems society faces. I completely disagree with the “all you need is love” slogan of social media; I believe the most important virtue to civilization´s
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Love: A Concept Analysis Ann Miller Purdue University Calumet Love: A Concept Analysis When one considers the concept of love, one could contemplate whether love is a feeling or an action. I believe that love is both. Although the term ‘love’ is freely used in everyday language, literature, arts and media, the concept itself is elusive and not easily defined. With current changes in nursing and healthcare focusing on evidence-based practice, we still need to remain focused on the importance of
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What is Love Love is a very strong word, very powerful word. What is Love? Do we define love as our heart, that we as human beings long to be with our so called soul mate. There are many different forms of what we called love. There is love all around us and we don't know it, it's in our parents, our friends, our teachers, and even the people who are who are homeless. We love as a community, as friends, as family, and as partners. As a community we love simply by caring and we share what we have
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Narrative Essay 3 December 2012 What is love? This question is one of the world’s most frequently asked questions and it can have a very simple answer or a complex answer, yet it is always unanswered. Although many people may have different answers on what love is, there is a universal meaning to it. Even in the dictionary there are many answers to what love is. According to www.Dictionary.com, love has five different definitions or so called meanings. Love is “(1) a profoundly tender, passionate
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124 Unnecessary Love? In the play “A Midsummers Night’s Dream” written by William Shakespeare, he tries to express the difficulties of being in love and all the ups and downs that come along in life, while being in love. Some people may think that this play is a true love story, since it has a happy ending, but I feel like the real meaning of the play is to show the difficulties love brings in life. What love puts people through and the crazy things that the feeling of love makes people do and
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Meghan Trimer April A. Daniels English 112 18 September 2014 What is Love? Love is the feeling you get towards someone or something that is almost unexplainable. It is not an obsession, but it is the constant reminder in the back of your mind that you have someone or something really special. It can hit you in various parts of your life but once it does, it leaves a long lasting impact. Love is a crazy thing. It can be a feeling you get towards a person you truly care about, or it can also
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Andres Salgado Hist. 176 L. Hilde 5/6/2015 On Love and War It is evident that the Civil War was affected by such things as politics, the opinion of the civilians and most of all, slavery. But what about such things as love and heartbreaks? It is extremely difficult to think about problems that seem so minor compared to the major problem which the Civil War brought forth, but these minor problems such as love affected men and women in both the Union and Confederate territories. Through the sources I collected
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Love is a force of nature. No matter how much we may want to, we can not command, or demand love, any more than we can command the moon and the stars to come and go according to our will. We can stage a seduction , but the result is more likely to be infatuation, or two illusions dancing together, rather than love.Love is bigger than you are. You can invite love, but you cannot dictate how, when, where and by who love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the
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Professor HIST 225 11 November 2014 Love is sacrifice When we talk about love, things will come up in our mind. We think about god, families, friends or spouse that connected with love; and some other attitudes such as patience, kindness, concerns and unselfishness; even the bad aspects including jealous, bitterness, sadness, fighting, bad temper, quarrel or angry. They are all the feeling come out from out mind when we do things that connected with love. When we get along with our family members
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Faster than the speed of love By Ryan Cornell It was the early morning of June and drake had just finished feeding the horses and the school bus had just arrived when he got to school he started walking up to his class on the third floor when a new girl by the name of Lexi dropped her books down the stars and drake decided to help her. He asked her where she was from and she said “I am from California but I had to move here because my dad had got into a car crash and died so now I am living with
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Away With Love It was 102° farrenhite. The sun was beaming like a large stage light focused on an actor during a show. Hazel Plasma’s buttermilk skin was trickling with sweat. Her thick brows drenched as she walked across the Kandahar tarmac. Afghanistan, the place of war felt so deserted. After collecting her bright pink luggage that she brought from the op shop back in Australia, Hazel was set to embark on the love journey of a life time. Who knew that a week ago in a small country town of
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The Love of Money While searching the Internet for current events to write on, I found one that caught my eye. On KOAT, I read an article called "Amazon CEO gives $2.5M for same-sex marriage". This CEO is a straight married male, and he and he and his wife decided to make this huge donation together. This donation of $2.5M went toward a referendum that will take place in November, to determine whether or not to legalize same sex marriage.$2.5M is lot of money to give away, but in my opinion
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Crazy In Love In class we have discussed the topic of many different types of love, or the effects of love. In an article written by Tara Parker-Pope of the Wall Street Journal, Pope discusses the possibility of “love” running out in a long-term relationship. She also says, “Recent studies of brain scans show that being in love causes changes in the brain that are strikingly similar to serious health problems like drug addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder.” This is interesting because
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What is Love? An Examination on Love In Canto 26 of Paradiso, blind Dante is confronted by St. John about love. Dante tells St. John that he wants God’s love. John asks Dante to be more specific in why he wants God’s love. Dante’s desire is significant because everyone desires to love and be loved, but what is love is the question. When Dante answers the question, his blindness is stripped away and he is able to see more clearly. The stripping of the blindness indicates that Dante knows what the
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Love is not one’s decision because it is based off immune system genes and neurotransmitters. In a study taken in 2002, it was found that females found the scent of men with similar immune system sequencing than them less desirable. This limits what individuals one may pursue for love, causing love to be less of one’s choice. Also, when the brain has found a potential mate, neurological pathways are made to link that individual to positive emotions, which are often associated with love. One’s subconscious
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