I sat down with Toi at the pool the other day, and we had a conversation about some events from the story. I wanted to know why Toi decided to still chase after Quamir even when she knew he was no good? “ I guess you can say that since I was in love I decided to turn a blind eye on the things he did in hopes that I might just be that special one to make him change.” She went on to say that Harlem being put in her life showed her that maybe she didn’t actually love Quamir. “ You know being around Harlem I guess he help the rose covered glasses to be taken from my eyes and help show me what I was putting up with wasn’t love.” I was very interested in knowing weather or not having a steady father figure in her life had a lot to do with the things she put up with? “ I would honestly have to give you a yes/no answer. Yes because I believe because of the absent of my father had a lot to do with me looking for love in all the wrong places. No because I can not try to place all the blame on my father when it was my stupidity that contribute to my on situation.” Throughout the book I notice how Toi has growned up I ask her did Noah (Toi son) Played a role in it? “ Yes, Noah played a role in it I laid down and had a baby so I stood up and took care of it! No questions about It I knew I had to grow up because my son needed a mother. Regardless of how I felt.” Were you disappointed in yourself for getting pregnant? “Yes, I was because I should have been more careful but there wasn’t much I could do about I Had to still take care of my child and I had no time to wattle in self pity! Were they do that at?” I asked her did she think when her mother found about her being pregnant did she over react just a tad bit to much? “ No, personally I think I deserved it but I think