Nhi Tran Comm-20 Nov 17th 2014 Self Reflection After the very first speech of this course, which is the demonstration speech, I made a big improvement for this one. Speech is no longer my biggest fear because by this time, I’ve watched enough good examples from my fellow classmates. Plus, I’ve learned from my previous speech mistakes and know how to fix it, putting my second speech to another different level. However, positive and negative are alway come together. Even though I did better than the
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Online learning has many different challenges that I am going to face, from work, to family and even day-to-day life. With these challenges I have strengths to be able to over come these challenges. My strengths included the drive for knowledge and to succeed in my evaders to further my collage goals. To ensure my success to complete my goal I set myself up with a support system and scheduled. My support system includes, family, friends, and coworkers. This system is a way to keep me on track and
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Write a one-paragraph analysis in which you… 1. Introduce/integrate a block quotation (4 lines or longer), including some sort of topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph—and also introducing the band’s or singer’s name and the title of the song (in quotation marks). 2. Then, follow up the block quotation with three to five sentences of analysis. 3. Work in at least two shorter quotations (from the block quote) into your analysis. Elliott Smith’s song, “Between the Bars,” tells
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Public Speaking Self-Reflection COMM/218 July 08, 2013 Vandye Forrester Public Speaking Self-Reflection The first assignment for this class was to create a 2 minute informative, persuasive or entertaining presentation. I chose the topic of a sales pitch for a new video game for my presentation. Putting this together was quite challenging, even though I physically did not have a audience present. It felt quite unnerving which lead to me doing this presentation about 15 times before I
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My Final Self-Reflection Paper Angela Lea Liberty University Ethics During my Practicum I experienced several ethical issues but the one that stood out the most was concerning a client that I had to work with. After working with her for several days I learned that she had been sexually abused by her stepfather I was told to help her deal with being able to take baths on the daily basis. During the fourth session she asked me how I knew about her being sexually assaulted by her
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Part 1 Introduction “A successful company is built by their successful working teams.” This is not only happening in certain company but all industry which have a strength working teams. This indicates that the working teams play a very important role in the industry to get the company keeps improving. Four generations work under one Roof! It is impossible all the employees in an industry conducted a same generation, same education level, and same working experiences or even have the same cultures
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Shateria Travis October 24, 2012 Topic A Seeing homeless people on the side of the road every day brings my spirits up whenever I’m feeling down or feel like I’m going to give up. Although I know nothing about these people or their current predicaments, I still use them as perspicacity to keep me from entering complete damnation and destruction. I could possibly tell you about all of my inspirations the whole essay, but my greatest inspiration ever is a misguided homeless person or futureless
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A new idea which arose from the scenario process and which challenged or developed your thinking in new ways The EIBE scenario process was for me a new way of mixing the logical prediction with wild imagination. This is a new mixture and a new way of thinking for an engineer which usually relies on the structured logical way of thinking only. The scenario is basically a collection of new ideas that is based on present facts leading to future imaginary - yet logical - sequence of actions, all
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Associate Level Material Appendix D Career Self-Reflection I Maintaining patient files occurs within various types of health care and health care settings. One goal of this course is to help you contemplate choices for your career. From what you’ve learned about medical records and health care settings so far, highlight the choices that best reflect your career interests and explain your reasons: 1. My career interest at this time is more oriented toward: Primary care—point of first contact
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University of Phoenix Material Self-Reflection Worksheet Respond to the following in 200-300 words each. 1. While considering the different theories of motivation, describe your personal motivation for attending college. How much of your motivation is extrinsic, intrinsic, and neutral? From what you have read, how might you change your motivation? Which motivational theory applies most to your situation? Explain why. My personal motivation for attending college is to further my education so
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Sample Student Reflection Paper 3 (learned technology and about self) I have learned about technology through the Advance Online Learning Strategy class, PF282-G4CC, but I have also learned about what defines a learning community and how to successfully participate in one. Through the various assignments, I have mastered the use of technology as never before. I have learned to communicate through e-mail to my instructor and classmates. I have learned to use the online library to access various
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10-1 Ms. Hadley The Importance of Change Through a greater self knowledge, which comes through reflection and learning from her own and others experiences, Elizabeth grows in her character; meanwhile Lydia, through lack of reflection and proper formation, remains an immature, self absorbed flirt. Pride and Prejudice emphasizes the need for change in order to mature and grow in character, which can only come through experience and reflection. Through the characters in the book the reader is shown examples
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about the poem, and the first is, p2b the mirror is personified through self-reflection.
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Self Reflective Report Contents Introduction 2 Definition of Self-Reflection 2 Research Findings 3 Delivery of Debate, Strengths and Weaknesses
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ART 223 Short Reflection on “Self-‐portrait with Unfinished Drawing” The artwork I chose was “Self-‐portrait with Unfinished Drawing” by Charles Ritchie. The setting of the piece is artist’s suburban home, which artist has
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involves the use of seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, and so on. • Auditory learning style involves the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. • Reading/writing learning style involves
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RUNNING HEAD: Reflection on counseling 1 Reflection on counseling session recording Chua Ci Jie Introduction to Counselling James Cook University, Singapore Reflection on counseling Reflection on counseling Counseling is interpreted as a therapeutic practice of utilizing dialogue to assist clients in better understand and coping with their individual problems or health issues (Counseling, 2003). The individuality of the counselor has been extensively regarded as a vital tool in the provision
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Transformative Learning Theory— An Overview This section of the monograph provides a brief overview of transformative learning theory from the perspective of Jack Mezirow. Also discussed are the conditions that need to be present, from his perspective, to foster transformative learning. Its intent is to provide a synthesis of its major premises, not an exhaustive discussion, that includes enough information from which to understand the implications and insights gained from discussing the various
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their way of working by thinking ahead and using a structure to suit an activity. Donald Schon (1983) identified that learning in practice could be enhanced by 2 different kinds of activity – Reflection in-action and Reflection on-action.
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unconditional or conditional on the individual behaving in particular ways. Conditions of worth relate to the persons belief that they are ‘worthy’ only if acting in the desired manner. Such conditions of worth can be self-imposed as well as imposed by others and can act against self-actualisation. Empathy is a dimension, which should be possessed by the counsellor in relation to the client. This is a component that requires an aptitude for truly comprehending the client in a profound sense. Often
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associated to self-confidence since, you impose judgement on your physical appearance when looking at your reflection. Knowing this, you can anticipate the theme of the poem having something to do with self-judgement or something along the lines of that. Facts: -The speaker (narrator) of this poem is a reflection. At the start, the reflection speaking is the one built into a mirror (Ex: “I am silver and exact….Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall”). Next comes the reflection in a source
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because they have self- confidence. Also it is important to be able to take risks. To be willing to risk failure, don’t except perfection, no one wins all the time. Leaders grow up by learning from their mistakes. Another trait of good leaders is motivating others. You always need to help people and tell them how good they are doing. Good leaders need to be able to build teams. You would need to be able to coach teams and bring the best out in people. You would also need to possess self-knowledge. Leaders
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decide for themselves what they would like to implement in their classrooms and what will work for them individually. There are several factors to consider when designing a plan for classroom management: prevention, preparation, implementation, and reflection. These factors are all addressed by the behavioral approach to classroom management. Half of classroom management is about prevention; if you can stop a problem from happening, then you don’t need to attempt to fix it. The best way to prevent
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across the sector and in relation to own subject teaching and the impact of each. LO .2. Demonstrate a critical awareness and understanding of theories and principles of reflective practice and models of continuing professional practice in relation to self; LO,3 . Demonstrate and address own identified learning needs for skills and knowledge and explore the impact of own continuing professional development on own teaching and wider professional role. 2000 words. Actual
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I need any other support as i am going. Edgar Schon, an influential writer on reflection, described reflection in two main ways: reflection in action and reflection on action. Reflection on action is looking back after the event whilst reflection in action is happening during the event. To complicate matters there are different interpretations of reflection on action. Let’s now explore these terms. Reflection inmeans “To think about what one is doing whilst one is doing it; it is typically
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HRM 3501 Online Sp2015 Group and self-assessment of participation Category (points) Excellent (9.0-10 pts) Good (8.0-8.9 pts) Fair (7.0-7.9 pts) Poor (6.0-6.9 pts) Engagement Shows enthusiasm; encourages others to engage Takes activity seriously and stays focused Goes through the motions; gets distracted by irrelevant topics Not serious; makes jokes; brings up irrelevant topics Execution of role Shows high understanding of materials; carries out role to the fullest Has read through materials; performs
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Service User - Conversation Feedback. 2.0 Personal profile. 3.0 4-point plan indicating learning needs for improved performance. 3.1 Exposure to Diversity. 3.2 Understanding legislation. 3.3 Self-awareness. 3.4 Trust in Teamwork. 4.0 Essay demonstrating current understanding. 4.1 Self-reflection from undertaking the assessment. Confidentiality statement: I have removed all information from within this assignment that may enable the service user; or parties contrary or supportive to their
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voice without any emotional response and yelling at the client. I would ask them to sit down, and perhaps divert to an issue that brought out less of an aggressive response and deal with it later on. 7. Identify and explain three reasons why self-reflection is an important skill for a counsellor. Counsellors are often processing a
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PD 2: Critical Reflection and Report Writing Waterloo, Ontario Prepared by #42-80 Strathaven Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3V9 July 17, 2012 Mr. Tim Paci, PD2 Instructor Professional Development Program University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Dear Mr. Paci, This report, entitled “Professional Skills: Emotional Intelligence” was prepared as my 1B Work Report for PD2: Critical Reflection and Report Writing.
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actively acquire these skills. (The University of Greenwich, 2007, pg3) Although I can prioritise tasks I do need to improve my time management skills as I often become distracted from my studies. To assist me with this I have completed a Time Management Self Evaluation Planner (see appendix 4) and hope that by identifying my distractions I can attempt to eliminate them and use my time more efficiently. A DTLLS course is 120 credits studied over two years. A general rule of thumb is that each credit is
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