The Pros And Cons Of Feminism

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Pages: 5

According to the Ocean Encyclopedia, “Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and an end to gender inequality, sexism, in all forms.” There are many different kinds of sexism in the world that have been a cause of conflict, disagreement, controversy, and numerous other problems. Feminists disagree about what sexism consists in, and what exactly ought to be done about it; what they generally disagree is about what it means to be a women or a man and what social and political implications/suggestions gender has or should have. Feminism can be seen as an alternative vision of a just world. Philosophically, feminism does not only bring a variety of political and moral claims, but it does
I can say that feminism works toward two claims: normative which means that men and women are entitled to equal rights and respect; and descriptive that states that women are currently disadvantaged with respect to rights and respect, compared with men. The disagreements within feminism can occurred with respect to either of the claims mention before. An example is that feminists differ on what would be known as just or unjust for women (what can be called equality, oppression or disadvantage), and also what kind of injustice women in fact suffer (what aspects of women’s current situation are harmful or unjust). At this point we can say that feminism is grounded on the belief that women are oppressed and disadvantaged by comparison with men, and that their oppression is in some way unjustified and there are many interpretations of women and their oppressions. As mentioned above, there is considerable controversy within feminism concerning some questions or the answers we might be willing to ask ourselves and answer too. One of the many questions might be, what would we count as full justice for women? Or what is the nature of the wrong that feminism seeks to name? Is the wrong that women have been deprived equal rights? Is it that women have been derived equal respect for their differences? Is it that women’s experiences have been