Essay about Self Presentation Theory - Consumer Behaviour

Words: 1625
Pages: 7


‘It might be said of self praise (if it not entirely shameful and ridiculous) that we praise ourselves fearlessly, something always sticks.’ – Francis Bacon

Self Presentation is part of the Self Concept and Impression Management theory. Impression management (IM) theory suggests that any individual or organization must establish and maintain impressions that are compatible with the perceptions one wants to give to the public. From both a communications and public relations viewpoint, the theory of impression management suggests the vital ways in which one establishes relationship between personal or organizational goals and their intended actions which create public perception. The idea

Identities often consist of abstractions left intangible by intention (we are what we choose not to have by voluntary abstention), as a result of few resources (we cannot afford to consume what would block out our identities), through denial (we choose not to reveal aspects of identity to obscure their presence), or because the identities are not prone to concrete expression (we cannot locate strategies to express complex facets of our identities).


From the above theories and studies we can say that self – presentation is important, it is a refection of who we are and what we are or what we think we want the others to see us as. As consumers, individuals take in various roles – from defensive self-presentation to self-enhancement. Each characteristics and theories are present in different strata of society, depending on their economic and social level. The self presentation perspective can be segmented on this level as well. E.g. A economically sound man would be more inclined to present himself in favourable light with assertive self presentation than a person with unsound economic background.

Similarly consumer behaviour can be modulated as self-presentation theory asserts that positive association and compliments helps an individual think and feel good about them-shelf.

Marketeers can ‘capitalize on outcome’ ( Arkin and Shepard, 1990) with a storyline on success which would make