Dtlls Study Skills Assignment Essay

Words: 1690
Pages: 7

The aim of this essay is to give the reader an overview of the types of study skills necessary for a student to study for and attain a Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. In it I will discuss my personal approach to study and the study skills I need to use on the programme. The essay will highlight the skills I feel are my current strengths and draw attention to the areas I need to develop. I will briefly describe and evaluate some different reflective models and in relation to these explain the type of reflective model I use and how this helps me to understand how I can improve my learning experience and my study skills in order to study more proactively.
I approach my studies with motivation and

For all of the above I have used referencing where required. I have also participated in various group activities that have required me to utilise my team working skills such as communication and cooperation and I feel that these skills along with the academic skills I have demonstrated so far on the course form a good foundation to continue with my studies and enable me to make good progress on the course.
Study skills like all else have to be learned. No- one is born with the knowledge to write essays at a higher education level, to read academically, to make good and worthwhile notes, to think critically and to manage time effectively. All of these things require experience and a good student will actively acquire these skills. (The University of Greenwich, 2007, pg3)
Although I can prioritise tasks I do need to improve my time management skills as I often become distracted from my studies. To assist me with this I have completed a Time Management Self Evaluation Planner (see appendix 4) and hope that by identifying my distractions I can attempt to eliminate them and use my time more efficiently. A DTLLS course is 120 credits studied over two years. A general rule of thumb is that each credit is nationally ten hours of learning activity so that equates to 1200 hours of work. Split over two years and broken down into two thirty week