Essay about HLC122 LEO Lectures Wk1 Concepts Of Clinical Reasoning Critical Thinking And EBP
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HLSC122 Inquiry in Health care
Mini Lecture 1
Concepts of clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and evidence‐based‐ practice part 1
Presented by: Dr Joe Perry(LIC)
What will be covered:
• Making meaning
• What is critical thinking?
• What is critical reasoning?
• Why are these important?
• Critical reflection
• This mini‐lecture serves as an introduction and guide to the contents of Modules 1 & 2
Making meaning
• Unit description: “This inter‐professional unit provides foundational knowledge and skills for ways of reflecting on and making meaning of a range of complex information in the health care environment...” (ACU,
2010, p. 1).
• What is ‘making meaning’?
– Understanding complex information
– Being able to critique complex information
• To do this:
– You need to understand how knowledge is developed.
– You need to be able to critique that knowledge.
What is critical thinking?
• There are many definitions.
• critical thinking in Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
– “...1. The ability to interpret argument, evidence, or raw information in a logical and unbiased fashion.
– 2. The ability to solve complex problems effectively”
(Taber, 2009).
• We aim to teach you how to think critically.
• Critical thinking = critical appraisal = critique
What is clinical reasoning?
• Clinical reasoning is the focus of modules 1 and 2.
• What is reason?
1. reason n.
• a cause, explanation, or justification.
• good or obvious cause to do something:
– (Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 2008)
• Clinical reasoning
• Your explanation or justification for what you do clinically 5
How do you do ‘clinical reasoning’? •
To explain or justify what you do clinically.
– ‘Because you have always done it this way’ – tradition
– ‘Because I was told to do it this way’ – following orders
– ‘Because this is the way we do things here’ – culture
Critical thinking point: Are any of the above, a solid basis for justifying clinical actions?
You need to explain and justify your clinical actions
You need a knowledge base
A knowledge base is a body of knowledge.
Evidence is generated via knowledge
Knowledge is not always ‘evidence’
Why is clinical reasoning important?
• To consider your choice of actions as a health professional. – To make a choice you need to understand the options.
– To understand the options you need to know enough to critique them.
• To provide the best possible treatment and care to the patient. • To explain your actions as a health professional.
• To defend yourself against possible litigation.
Knowledge – how to define it
• ‘Knowledge is the understanding of facts, truths or principles” (Borbasi & Jackson, 2012, p. 7).
• “An accepted body of facts or ideas acquired through the use of the senses or reason, or through research methods”
(Liamputtong, 2010, p.4).
What is my relationship to this body of knowledge?
• This is what your undergraduate degree is all learn from this body of knowledge.
– Where does your opinion fit in?
• What is important is your ability to understand and think critically about the knowledge base and the clinical choices presented to you via that knowledge.
HLSC122 Inquiry in Health care
Mini Lecture 2
Concepts of clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and evidence‐based‐ practice Part 2
Presented by: Dr Joe Perry(LIC)
Critical reflection
• Reflection‐in‐practice vs Reflection‐on‐practice
• A reflective framework for students:
– the descriptive phase,
– the reflective phase for reflection and analysis, and
– the critical phase for critique.
• Through these phases a clinician (or a student in this case) attains insights into inadequacies and shortcomings in practice, and engages in self‐ corrective learning.
(Module 1)
Critical reflection framework
• The descriptive phase:
– What happened exactly?
– What else could have