Augustine Of Hippo Analysis

Words: 1442
Pages: 6

The search for wisdom and truth of life has always occupied the minds of people.

Philosophers for their part enlightened humanity with knowledge of the truth revealed to

them as a result of examining and reflecting on the nature of things. The truth is different for

everyone, but in its original clarity, it is a difficult subject to grasp. Sometimes seeking for

truth and self-examining become the meaning of life, and for someone it is even the end in

itself. The search is always based on something that is important for the seeker, whether it be

the internal harmony, pursuit of faith and desire to be cleansed from the lower aspirations.

Seeking and examining are a kind of self-determination in this world, that is why not all

people aspire

Experience is one of the cornerstones of understanding and examining of human life. Lessons

are being extracted from the life situations, committed errors and sins, questions resolved by

the finding of faith, search for truth and wisdom, and answers to spiritual questions of

morality. Lifelong a person collects nuggets of truth that opens as he/she is growing both

physically and spiritually. In the book "Confessions" of Augustine of Hippo it is obvious the

author's attitude to the traveled way of life. From the height of old age in hindsight Augustine

realizes that every action and life choice he made has formed him as a personality. Augustine

of Hippo explores his life by writing "Confessions." Holy bares his soul, recognizes the sins

that he committed, describing the motives impelled him on moral decline in both his own

eyes and the eyes of God. For Augustine, the study of his life is the way to God and freedom

from moral decay. Examining his life, the philosopher seeks for God that he believed is the

source of pure and unalloyed wisdom and virtue. Ultimately, he wants to purify his soul