History: Judaism and agriculturally Based Society Essay
Submitted By bronchos_88
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Pages: 4
4) What were the main factors in Rome’s decline? Which do you judge most important? Why?
The main factors in Rome’s decline were weak defenses, plague, bad emperors, and the split between the East and West. Rome had conquered many territories, more than they could handle. Rome was eventually too large and settled to enlist the conquered people to defend the new acquired territories. Rome’s army eventually faded away by many attacks by invaders. The army was later replaced with a mercenary army of Auxiliaries. Plague also came about as a main factor of the decline of Rome. A plague had killed twenty percent of the empire’s population, which slowed down trade and production. Another factor was that the emperor had all the authority and power. There were many incompetent emperors that strongly affected the empire to soon decline. The most important factor in Rome’s decline was that Rome had conquered too much territory. This is most important because Rome had conquered so much territory that there weren’t enough people to defend and fight for Rome. Rome had to enlist new soldiers that were not Roman and didn’t really care to fight for them. The growth of Rome also left a big mark on many invaders’ checklist, which eventually weakened their army. http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/fallofrome/a/Dorrington.htm http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090306214611AArgL5i
5) Why was Islam able to appeal to people of so many different cultures? Islam was able to appeal to people of so many different cultures because they had more benefits than the others. Islam had extended tremendously because of its easy and universal teachings. In the north, if you didn’t obey Islam then you had to pay taxes. Many people loved Islam because it taught them that even the less fortunate was the same as the rich. Islam taught people to have respect for the fellow people and show that everyone is equal. Islam had many benefits that attracted people to convert. The biggest benefit was Ilm. Ilm is knowledge in Islam. This was important because knowledge made life easier. Islam also made many people’s lives’ easier. Islam appealed to people because it taught everyone is equal, great knowledge, and how to be a better person. Islam showed many converts how to live life easier. It taught people that you can express yourself spiritually and religiously. http://awesternheart.blogspot.com/2006/01/appeal-of-islam.html http://islamicappeal.weebly.com/ http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_the_appeal_and_the_rapid_spread_of_Islam_during_the_early_centuries?#slide=6 6) Compare the major beliefs and religious organization of Christianity and Buddhism. Some major beliefs and religious organization of Christianity and Buddhism are that after death, determining on how you acted during your life, you would be either sent to heaven or hell, in Christianity, or in the 2nd life, in Buddhism, you would be in a better, worse, or similar life. Both Christianity and Buddhism teach people peace and a better way of life. Some traditions of Buddhism believe in the power of prayer. They both also have founder that people look toward to. Both Christianity and Buddhism have some sort of life after death. They both have a place of worship and different practices. They both want to save people and want them to have a better life. They also both have themes of peace, morality, justice, and love. There are also more similarities in Buddha’s teachings and the Christian Bible. http://www.religioustolerance.org/buddhism4.htm http://voices.yahoo.com/christianity-vs-buddhism-two-religions-teach-1415037.html
7) What advantages does an agriculturally based society have over a hunter-gatherer based society? Some advantages an agriculturally based society has over a hunter-gatherer based society are the growth of food, the less use of energy, and the more free time
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