Essay about Plato: Psychology and Plato

Submitted By ademory
Words: 434
Pages: 2

Plato Plato is one of the pupils of Socrates and is credited to leaving behind the most substantial philosophical writings to influence posterity. He uses to reason to explain why things are the way they are in the human mind and in the community. In this excerpt from Plato he reasons to answer some questions regarding morality and immorality. The first thing that Plato discusses is about a prisoner who has always been in darkness and only been able to see shadows. He talks about the transition from light to dark and how one would like to be exposed more to what they are used to. He says that the mind can be confused in two ways: the transition from light to darkness, and the transition from darkness to light. The mind cannot make out some of the things that it sees if such a transition were to occur. Plato then goes on to describe what he believes is morality. Plato thinks that every person in a community has a certain skill set that they should use to help to benefit all of the other people in the community. His definition of morality is one doing one’s own job and not intruding on anyone else’s job in a community. Plato goes on to say that immorality is when one person in one class intrudes on the duties of a person in another class. He gives the example of a policy maker and a soldier, saying that if these two occupations were to change duties that it would be disastrous for the community. Plato then discusses the different parts of the mind, the passionate part, the irrational part, and the rational