Above the Law: An Executive’s Double Standard – Fraudulent Use of Corporate Funds Traditionally, the positive image of a company or a brand is very important in the contemporary world. As a result, the question of morality of each individual working within an organization is of a paramount importance. In such a situation there should be no exceptions from the rule and executives could not be in a privileged position. This is the desirable ideal many companies strive to achieve at least in a public eye. However, the reality turns to be quite different from what is expected and the analyzed case of an executive’s double standard is just another evidence of the fact that the real life is so complicated that the common rules, including moral As a result, it is quite normal that he is in two minds. On analyzing, the situation with Troy Sozuko and related investigation and actions of Matt Thompson, the president and naturally Jack, it is possible to estimate that the case discussed reveals a profound crisis that affected practically all levels of the company. Obviously, BMI has already started the struggle against frauds and the example of the punished employee supports this statement. At the same time, the fact that such attention is paid not only to legal but also to moral and ethical behavior of people working within the corporation indicate at the understanding of the executives of the gravity of the existing problem. On the other hand, it is worthy to note that the solution of the problem of frauds can be hardly found in the corporation until double standard exists. In fact, it is not difficult to presume that there would be no investigation if the ethics officer, Matt, were not personally affected by the plans of Troy. Practically, it means that Matt, in actuality, is not much better than Troy. Moreover, it is even possible to presuppose that cases similar to Troy’s one are quite common, judging from the calm reaction of Matt. Naturally, it is possible to suggest different solutions of the problem of fraudulent use of corporative funds be the executive but it is obvious that the real problem is double standard that exists within the corporation. It means that it is possible, for instance, to simply
Florida Atlantic University Name ___________________ Business Law II * BUL 4422 PRINT LEGIBLY Professor Gaffney * Spring 2014 Examination #2 * Chapters 36-43 Version 519-typ-7610 Instructions: Place the letter of the most correct answer…
professionals were discussing the relationship between law and business. Adam argues that law primarily benefits the owners of businesses at the expense of workers and customers, while Beth takes the opposite position - that law primarily benefits the individual employees, customers and others, at the expense of the owners of businesses. Charlie posits that all parties are better off because of the presence of law, while David asserts that law is not a significant factor in the conduct of business…
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal law enforcement agency which enforces laws against work place discrimination. The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual's race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and/or opposing a discriminatory practice. Description by types can be reviewed through the following table: - Types Of Description Employer Coverage…
explains that the Judiciary branch has the least “wielding” power, in that they don’t have the power to carry out the laws of the land (Executive) and they don’t have the power to draft any laws (Congress). They have neither “Force nor Will, only judgement”. I agree that they don’t have any force, but I think it can easily be argued they have “Will”. If the supreme court wishes for a law to be reviewed they can make it happen, and whatever their findings are will be accepted by the whole federal government…
permitted to request a transcript on behalf of the student except government and law enforcement agencies with either a STREET ADDRESS student's signed release, a court order, or a subpoena. 5. All financial obligations and record restrictions must be reconciled before transcripts will be released. CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE I HEREBY AUTHORIZE NORWALK COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO RELEASE MY OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT TO THE ABOVE INSTITUTION / INDIVIDUAL. STUDENT'S SIGNATURE DATE White: Mailer Canary:…
interest. Large corporations can be presumed to be able to fend for themselves without the need of legal interference, may develop dependence and uncertainty generating unnecessary litigation . Contrariwise, the already developed principles of law…
a) Green b) Blue c) White d) None of the above 29)During Manual start will the automatic start abort function be available. Page 7 of 13 A320 Induction Technical Test a) Yes, FADEC has authority to abort the start in case of abnormal start. b) No, FADEC only does passive monitoring of the start sequence. c) Yes, FADEC has authority to abort the start in case of Ignition fault only. d) None of the above 30)During an engine start sequence, the gray background on N2 disappears…
Constitutional Interpretation: Engineers’ Case and criticisms of Callinan J in the Workchoices’ Case. By Mark Walker Introduction In the dissenting judgment made by Callinan J in the landmark New South Wales v Commonwealth (“Workchoices’ Case”), a strong criticism was mounted against constitutional interpretation methods employed in the judicial forum. Explicitly, this conjecture was focused at Isaacs J’s judgement in Amalgamated Society of Engineers v Adelaide Steamship Co Ltd (“Engineers’…
education, and various important social institutions (such as marriage), the citizens of the state are its "offspring and servants"; and from this he concludes that citizens are subordinate to the state and its laws to such an extent that if a citizen ever disagrees with the state's laws or orders, he "must either persuade it or obey its orders," even if the latter amounts to suffering death. The implication for his own case is clear: Socrates had tried to persuade the court of his innocence and…