A world view is the way that a person expresses his or her life. The decisions they form, the goals they set to achieve and the way they embrace others all are based on how they perceive the world around them. This perception is based on a foundation of belief, a worldview. A Christian worldview is based on the Bible, and that life first began when God spoke life into existence (“The Holy Bible (new King James version)”), 1988, bk. Genesis 1:26). God created man from earth dust, breathing life into him (“The Holy Bible (King James version),” 2014, Genesis 2:7) and woman from man’s rib to be his companion (KJv, Genesis 2:21-23). Being human is man’s first blessing from God. The knowledge of salvation, code of morality and holiness dwell within our hearts from birth. “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image” (nKJv, Gen. 1:26)”. All beings were created with precise thought and reason by God. Humans are superior to animals, having a spirit liable for learning and following God’s rulings (Joshua 1:8), with a promise of eternal salvation, in the kingdom of Heaven after death (2 Corinthians 4:18-5:1). Weider & Gutierrez (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013, p. 70) state concerning our purpose: “Christianity is about a relationship with God”, this is not about following the doctrine of religion. Knowing the word of God, and following his laws, and taking daily prayer with God brings one to a personal relationship with the Lord (nKJv, 1 John, 2:3-5). Morality and ethics are the purposeful ways in which we make decisions toward ourselves and others. With the character of God, Christians should treat others as they would want to be treated themselves, with love, respect and forgiveness when fallen short of the Glory of the Lord (nKJv, Romans 13:1-7). A Christian should live in the word of God, not of this world. Caring for monetary things more than the scripture will not give anyone a future (Matthew 6:24). Never has there been a U-Haul following a hearse with the deceased ones possessions for them to take with them. Christians have a destiny that is promised to them from the time of their new birth. To be saved from the depths
Paulette Smithmeyer CWV-101 April 20,2014 Dr. Jim Uhley Worldview Christian worldview is distinguished by portraying our universe, individualism and at unlocking the issues we find ourselves in. Thoughts and opinions that society hold perpetually, move their logic and demeanor. Worldview/life-view are opinions and living views that affect your mind, body and your daily life. Looking at worldview it is a point of view. It can be values, emotions, ethics, cultural, etc. It is how someone interprets…
Personal ethics What personal, cultural, and spiritual values contribute to your worldview and philosophy of nursing? How do these values shape or influence your nursing practice? Ethics and values form the basis of nursing. Nurses provide nursing care by preventing illness, reducing suffering and promoting restoration of health in individuals, families, societies and communities. Nursing involves technical skills and abilities, duty and service to others with compassion and efficient decision-making…
gone through the UFDN sequence, students should have had time to reflect on what constitutes their principal convictions. Taking now this class with its emphasis on Christian orthodoxy, students can begin to think theologically about their lives and vocations in light of the formative experiences and assumed authorities they live by. In light of this culmination, the task of the “Credo” statement is to draw together what was experienced in this sequence of courses as well as the experiences one…
Our worldview allows us to see into the world at such an angle that it coincides with our beliefs, therefore affecting how we think and live. Whether one falls under an atheistic, pantheistic, or theistic worldview, they are guided in their life choices depending on the beliefs of their worldview. Throughout this paper, I will summarize the elements of a Christian Worldview such as God, Humanity, Jesus, and Restoration; I will then analyze questions one might have about the Christian Worldview, and…
Personal Worldview Essay My worldview has been shaped and expanded over the course of my lifetime by many different influences. My family, friends, coworkers, teachers, and even strangers have made impacts on my life that have in one way or another changed how I view society and the world around me. The three main components that help to form my worldview are Ethics, Human Nature, and God, because they molded my thoughts, experiences, education and life decisions. I feel the strongest…
Secular worldview vs. Christian worldview Everyone has a worldview. Even if a person thinks that they don’t they do. The meaning of the word worldview is a comprehensive view of the world and human life. There are certain types of world view. Secular worldview is a comprehensive view of the world from a materialistic, naturalistic standpoint. Secular worldview is the worldly view rather than spiritual. Many people consider themselves as Christians. The Christian worldviews is declining and is…
PERSONAL WORLDVIEW INVENTORY To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://wiseamerican.us/product/hlt-310v-week-1-assignment-personal-worldview-inventory/ contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US Max Points: 20 Details: Write an 800-1,000-word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term “spirituality,” and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:…
through all components of an assignment in the GCU classroom so that you are aware of its requirements and the expectations of your instructor. Look for the following cues: • What is the objective of the assignment? • What are the elements of the assignment? • How will the assignment be graded? • What are other considerations for completing the assignment well? The purpose of this worksheet is to guide you in “decoding” any GCU assignment. Assignment Instructions: Review…
Running head: Personal Worldview Inventory Personal Worldview Inventory Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Healthcare HLT-310V May 18, 2015 Personal Worldview Inventory There are many different meanings to the word spirituality. Spirituality can be defined in several different ways, as it pertains to different worldviews. Throughout this paper we will look at and discuss worldview as it related to pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Worldviews have been known to be a matter…
Faith & Life A Twenty Three Year Old Worldview Who am I? That is a question that until now I haven’t really thought of much. The answer to that question to me has always been, “I’m just a kid”, or “I’m a baseball player.” These are just characteristics describing myself, rather to fully answer the question of who I am I must dig deeper. Who I am I believe can directly correlate with my worldview, and my worldview is directly related with my beliefs. What I believe in has been formed over years…