Assignment Essay

Words: 2063
Pages: 9

Case Study Report

Learning Outcome Assessed: a - e

Weighting: 30%

Written Report Case Study Analysis (2000 words)

Assessment -2
Ethics, morality and leadership: The AWB scandal
The series of corporate scandals and transgressions that have emerged over the last decade, including those associated with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Alcoa, Enron, HIH, Merck, Lehman Brothers, Parmalat, Union Carbide and WorldCom, have not only contributed to global financial crises. They have also raised questions about the quality of corporate leadership and ethics, and damaged the psychological relationships between such companies and their multiple stakeholders. Studies of such scandals and

Lack of internal audit structure, moral and ethical incompetency of managers and officers and their cover-up on the company’s actions are some of the organization’s deficiencies. on the other hand australian govt had been acting reluctant of what went on in 2006. Corporate deception and incompetence, and the Australian government’s apparent predisposition not to initially accept the claims of AWB’s accusers, were some of the many failures of the govt the the time. However, it also questioned the Australian government’s apparent lack of monitoring, and its reluctance to confront the problems despite a mountain of diplomatic cables that flowed to ministers and their staff suggesting that AWB was involved in systematic misbehaviour. Clearly, based on the transgression committed by AWB, they violated the principles of morality and ethics going way out of line. As reported, no one bribed more than that of AWB out of 2253 companies. But this doesn’t leave the government out innocent either. As mentioned in the case study that Canadian Wheat Board questioned that when AWB made their first payment, the Government should have taken some action right away, provided that poor monitoring system let that happen in first place. But government, as mentioned, kept ignoring