My Day August 16, 2002 was the worst day of my life! I can never forget how I felt and how I delt with my parents getting a divorce on the first day of first grade. It was the fist day of first grade. I was all excited to start school. The day started really great, I woke up, took a shower, put clothes on and told my mommy I loved her. After I left my house, I hopped on the bus and arrived at school. I was scared but ecstatic. I didn’t know what to do so I started running around like a little
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06/27/2015 My Greatest Creation Is You! ON OCCASIONAL EVENTS EVERYONE IS MOVED BY ONE BEYOND THEIR UNDERSTANDING EVENT THAT CHANGES THEIR LIFE EITHER FOR THE WORST OR FOR THE BEST. THANKFULLY IN MY LIFE IT WAS FOR THE BEST OF IT.WHAT I TOOK AS MY GREATEST CREATION. On The Night Of October 11th, 2014, In Victorville Ca. In The Living Room Bathroom At My In-Laws House I Finally Decide To Take A Pregnancy Test After Having Missed 3 Days Since My Last Menstrual Cycle. As I Took The Stick In My Hands Thoughts
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My Beginning was terrifying my ending was sad. But I soon came to realise that what count the most in life is the middle. So don’t focus so much on the bad to take away the good as it takes the best part of the story. I felt like my life had come to an end when I was diagnosed with terminal brain tumour in 2000 I was told that I wouldn’t live past the age of 30, I had less than a 50% survival rate for the next 5 years. 10 more years passed by, most people would say to me that I should be happy,
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Literary Narrative My whole life I have struggled with acne and I would have done anything to get rid of it, so this is what I did. My best friend Jacqueline’s brother had taken Accutane and it permanently got rid of his acne so I decided to make the choice to go into my dermatologist and talk to him about going on Accutane. When the time came to come talk to him it made me realize just how dangerous this drug could be. “You will have to get blood work done and take a pregnancy test once a month
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Meredith Shaw Sickle Cell Diary – October 10, 2014 – Age 16 Today was NOT a good day. My hands and feet were swollen for most of the day which made it very hard for me to write and get to my classes during school. I am home now but pain is occurring in my joints, chest, and abdomen. And to get even worse my vision is beginning to get bad because the blood vessels are filled with sickle cells. For about a month now, my doctors have put me on a medicine called hydroxyurea. This medicine is supposed
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lessons along the way, helping us build who we are today. Such can be said about my own life; for a person that is only twenty years old, I faced a lot of different experiences in my life, I had big moments of struggle and also happiness, but the moments that marked me more were the difficult times. So, reading the story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” from Gabriel Márquez, I could make a relation between my life and the principal character the “Angel.” This relation is not about the text itself
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ceiling. And the only thing I could picture was my father being taken away in that ambulance. Hearing the sound of sirens in the distance was the worst thing to come home to for the Holidays. My father had being fighting cancer for the past three years, and know the worst had happen. His body wasn’t reacting well to the chemo, so all he could do was hope. And having his Mexican machismo intact he never showed if he was hurting or not. But I know who my father was. He was what you call an old school
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The Best and Worst July Fourth It was an early July forth morning and I had just got back home from staying at a friends house I spent the night at. It was a grey and rainy day and all I wanted to do was sleep before the night’s festivities. I was pretty excited for the day ahead of me because it was the fourth and I love going to watch firework with all my friends and family. I just knew it was going to be a good day. So there I was cleaning my room like my mom had asked, then
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Atrocities at My Lai Massacre During the Vietnam War, there were lots of corruption and violence taking place. As an outcome of this war, there were many events and tragedies that are still remembered and looked back upon, but one act of cruelty stands above all the others. Because of the inhumane actions that were taken by U.S. forces, the corrupt leadership of Lieutenant Calley and the fact that this massacre was covered up from society for over a year, the My Lai massacre became know as the worst atrocity
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6 February 2015 Diabadass Each day, as I awoke from my cozy bed in my oversized tshirt, I would make my way to the kitchen, casually taking my time to grab breakfast. It usually consisted of a chocolate poptart, or nothing at all. But since the day of March 16th, 2014 my life dramatically changed. I can no longer skip my breakfast, or eat chocolate pop tarts. I went from carefree Megan, to diabetic Megan. Since being diagnosed, I get up with my pump attached to me. I instantly prick my tender finger an
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they should do; they convinced the teachers to let them start the “No-name Calling Party”, though the teachers did not agree at first; the Gang of Four worked as a team and they assisted each other reach their goals and comforted each other at their worst times, something every kid wants their friend to do for them. The Misfits connects with a lot of children’s lives, just like it does with mine. Lina and Doon faced even worse matters than the kids in The Misfits did. They had to find a way to save
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have finally come to a realization, a life without dance for me wouldn't be a life at all. It has provided me with the ability to escape reality, it has given me so many valuable skills, and the ability to be confident enough to express myself. I have been dancing since I could walk, and it has evolved into an indispensable passion. There is just something about dance that allows me to lose myself within the movement. It is a feeling like no other. In my opinion dance is the most beautiful thing
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beaten just because or maybe even you. Domestic violence is on the rise and gets worst day by day. My oldest sister was once a victim of domestic violence by her baby’s father, he use to beat on her on a daily basis and sometimes even choke her out until she bleeds until she got the courage one day to fight back and finally leave. I looked out at the stats of domestic violence, searched the internet and reflected on my life to see if there was any relations with it and it was quite a few that lead me
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2013 Acceptance In real life, we all as individuals go through trials good and bad that we are faced with. You gain and you lose. You either accomplish your fears and goals, or you never grow within. If you expect the worst, the worst will happen. You are your own stress, anger, sadness, and frustration. Of you let things bother you, they will. It’s up to you to make the best of every situation and accept what you can’t control; there’s always a reason behind it. Life is too short to dwell on negativities
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Life; what is it? Is it a warm enticing slice of cherry pie or is it a syringe filled with toxic waste used as a lethal injection? To me life has many definitions, but has far more sentimental value than most of us think. Sometimes we just have to come to a halt to embrace life’s opportunities and appreciate the little things such as being free, being loved by our family and friends, and being blessed to wake up every morning to the aroma of fresh grass. Though life has many
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My Odyssey In the course of events of my life, I have traveled to many places. To leave my homeland was an astounding and abrupt moment. Driving through Spain, France, and Portugal to small and far away towns were stressful trips. Traveling by plane to Majorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea was slow, exhausting, and long. However, neither leaving my country nor driving in the old continent was as unendurable as my odyssey going to America. As a Cuban-Spaniard citizen, the desire
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Summer Day I would have never thought that what seemed like an ordinary day could change how I look at life, and motivate me to work hard for what I wanted to achieve in the medical field in my future. That Hot Sumer Day impacted my life and will always have meaning. The day had started off like any other sunny morning, just an ordinary blistering hot summer day. I had to wake up early, which was not an ideal way to spend my vacation, but making money was important to me. On my way to my neighbor’s
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half-past eight in the morning. This date marks the day when it felt as if my life had taken a dramatic turn for worst. Life was an erupting volcano, and I was the hot, displaced lava desperately searching for a locus to give me comfort from the dreadful night I encountered. I must confess the anguish that I was experiencing was self-inflicted and well deserved. This occurrence was gut wrenching and heart breaking all in the same breath; however, it changed my work ethic and time management skills for the
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Life in 7-11 is exhausting Do managers realize the stress they put on workers? Do they even realize the fact that we are human beings just like them? Do they even bother about the health of a worker? After joining 7-11, my life became turbulent. Working in 7-11 is tough because schedule is always flexible, workload given to me and pressure from managers to achieve goals every day. Having fixed timings and schedule helps a lot to plan things out, but I guess it’s not the same with working in
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Scuri ENG 010-526 October 28, 2013 Struggles and a goal To get to the crux of my life I am in now had to pass important reasons. You may wonder what I have had to do to get to this point of my life. Before decided to return to school, I faced many struggles throughout my life. For example, me moving to the United States, poor working conditions and compromising my family because of work has delayed me in reaching my goals. When I came to the United States ten years ago, I came with the dream to
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went to war because of one woman. I wanted to be like Helen… to be admired and fought over… but my face had been sun-kissed and covered with acne scars. At the time my dream seemed unrealistic, but in my mind it was possible. I developed the chronic skin condition of Hidradenitis Supparativia during my first year of Middle school. Most of middle school I experienced depression because of my condition. My parents were completely clueless about what route to take to help me, because I was often bullied
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changed for me the most throughout my childhood. When I was a young child, I dreamt of the day that I would be an astronaut. For years all I ever wanted to be in life was an astronaut. That was my first dream. However, I always despised mathematics. I loved going to school and learning new things but I had no care for mathematics whatsoever. I would dominate in subjects like English, history, and civics, but math was always something I struggled with. One day my father told me that the majority of
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significant other, a specific color, smell, taste, view, hobby, etc. Usually my list would sound a lot like that as well, but there is something else that needs and deserves my love more. There is nothing more deserving to me then my dog Lola, and she is an American Staffordshire Terrier (mixed with Chihuahua,) or more commonly known as a “Pit bull.” She is one of the lucky ones that is cared for and lives a happy life. Unfortunately, over one million Pit Bulls are killed every year just because
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person; Lacking money, and a big place to stay, to even having to share clothes, and skip a couple of meals. Rural poor people really have a lot to deal with in life, some, more than others. One of the worst things that can possibly happen to a poor person is developing cancer. Whenever cancer hits the body of a poor person, it has to be the worst thing that could possibly happen to that person. Cancer is basically a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer can
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Career Path Paper: Chemical Engineering Engineering Mr. Herm Chemical Engineering Professional Interview I interviewed my cousin Steven Lamb who has a Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering and is currently employed by EQT Production Company, he said he didn’t feel good about giving his email or phone number out but if really needed to he would. When asked to describe his engineering field Steven said petroleum engineering. His current job title is Development & Planning Engineer where
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went on was a three day paddle boarding and rock climbing adventure across the bay. At first I was reluctant to tag along because I’ve never been a fan of heights, much less of open water. After deciding that the trip would be good for me and that I would most likely not drown or crack my head open, I went for it. Unsurprisingly, the water taxi ride there was absolutely breath taking. Watching new waves created, while the older ones fade, never gets old. I will admit, the worst part about HOWL trips
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Turn the handle, open the door and enter my thoughts. Only then will you see the winding road I have traveled. These are my original pointless ramblings and thoughts that materialize in my mind and have made their way to this amazing thing we know as the Internet. A place where everyone can read the stupid idiotic stuff people write about. It’s a place where you can see the best of the best and the worst of the worst. A place that can be happy or sad, amusing or annoying, enlightening or disgusting
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stuck with it. He had financial success with the next trip and his hard work seemed to be paying off. As his life and his roller coaster career continued, he worked his way into serious trouble. As a slave trader on the way to West Africa, his ship wrecks and he is the only survivor on what he thinks is an abandoned island. Throughout his stay he makes due as hours turn into days and days turn into years. He had to survive in harsh conditions while at the same time, avoiding cannibals on the island
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it was my grandmother her voice was shaky and she seemed like she was sobbing, I had asked her what was wrong she simply replied...Your grandfather pasted away, my heart sank, mixed emotions, so many thought were running through my mind. I wasn’t sure what to think or feel. I knew one thing, that my mentor the one man that I looked up to as a father was gone. Although my grandfather isn’t here today, I will never forget the life lessons he taught me or the major impact he’s had in my life. As a
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bag and demand for the money, okay?” he said, “Alright, I’ll do it. Lets go.” A man is forced to make many decisions in his life; this was perhaps the worst decision I had ever made. I had a decent life; I was able to go to school when I was little, I started first grade in 1828, I was six. When I started there were only four other first graders in class, one of them became my best friend I ever had. Fred Waters was a bold, fearless boy; he was the one who always got me into trouble. Our favorite
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