How Do People Overcome Obstacles In Order To Succeed?
Submitted By MuhtashimaMeem
Words: 878
Pages: 4
Scholars’ Academy Muhtashima Yaishi Meem
604 9-24-12
How Do People Overcome Obstacles In Order To Succeed?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to save an entire city by yourself? Or never have even one more kid criticize you? Well, you are about to find out how six kids changed the way they lived. It all started with The Misfits and The City of Ember. Two kids from The City of Ember who were trying to save their city and four others from The Misfits who were trying to save their school. Why do people chant Superman’s name when these six kids are the real heroes? These two books tell us how you can be yourself and still be able to change the world. When you are yourself, you don’t need super powers to change the world… you need courage, faith and hope. When you have those, you can do anything and succeed.
The “Gang of Four” had to face quite a lot of challenges at school. To name a few, they were called names they did not approve of; when they tried to demonstrate to the grownups how they wanted to change the way kids operated with others, instead of cooperating the teachers disputed against them; Joe had to put up with names that ridiculed his personality and taste; Addie tried to persuade other students to run for president but nobody accompanied her except for her friends. Just because they had to ride through all these bumps, it doesn’t mean they weren’t capable of overcoming them. The Gang of Four created posters and hung them all around the school to clarify to the students what they should do; they convinced the teachers to let them start the “No-name Calling Party”, though the teachers did not agree at first; the Gang of Four worked as a team and they assisted each other reach their goals and comforted each other at their worst times, something every kid wants their friend to do for them. The Misfits connects with a lot of children’s lives, just like it does with mine.
Lina and Doon faced even worse matters than the kids in The Misfits did. They had to find a way to save their city and the people in it. Some of the challenges they faced were that they had to leave their families behind in a city that desperately needed hope; they were accused of spreading vicious rumors; Lina and Doon tried to convince the residents of Ember that there is a way out of the city but they weren’t able to because of people who trying to find them and imprison them; the whole time they were trying to find a way to escape the City of Ember, they feared that they might have to return home empty-handed. But these two teenagers are unstoppable! They didn’t give up on their hope and they made doleful choices in order to save their city; they exposure themselves in order to make sure that the people of Ember would be shielded; they were determined to save the City of Ember and to do that, they faced their worst fears and started a journey to save the City of Ember.
Just like The Misfits and The City of Ember, I faced obstacles in my life too. But mine weren’t as menacing! When I first came to the United