How To Write A Biographical Narrative Essay

Submitted By adrijimenez
Words: 705
Pages: 3

Adriana Jimenez
Mrs. Clark
English 2014
18 March 2014
Biographical Narrative Assignment I don’t really look up to many people but there is one person and that’s my aunt Vanessa she’s the only one I can really depend on. The only reason why I look up to her is because one she’s been through many situations in her life and has manage to never give up on anything that she wanted to do in her life. Two she’s a very independent person and doesn’t let anyone get in her way or bring her down. And last because she’s been there for me through a lot of things I have been threw myself, she understands me much more than what my parents do in what I’m going through now as a teenager. My aunt is a big impact in my life not just because she’s shown me to never give up on anything just because what has happen in the past but because even though what she has gone through she’s pushed herself to be somewhere and someone in life. My aunt Vanessa has been through many situations in her life and has manage to never give up on anything that she wanted to do in her life. She was only six-teen when she had my little cousin Rene and dropping out of school wasn’t going to be an option. She pushed herself through night school and other extra classes while pregnant just so she can graduate with her class. Almost two years after that she ended up having my other little cousin Samantha by then she just started college. It was very hard for her to go to school and take care of two little babies at the same time. And after having Samantha she still pushed herself to go school and finish. Even though she had two kids at a young age she still managed to graduate high school and college. She’s a very independent person and doesn’t let anyone bring her down. Many people from our family members had always tried put her down saying she was just going to be another Latina drop out. They also said that she wasn’t going to make it in life just because she had a baby at a very young age. She didn’t let that get to her at all. She did what she had to do for her children and herself, she always told me she pushed herself not to prove to everyone that she made it and they we’re wrong, she did it for her own good and for her kids. She’s done a lot to prove to herself that she wasn’t going to be the person that everyone thought she was