Ryan Wanasida
Simon Aebersold
English 102
6 December 2013
The Experience
Writing essay is not an easy task for someone with English as a second language. There are many requirements and techniques to write a good essay by learning it from an English course. Combining the writing tutorial course and introductory writing, it definitely helps in learning how to write a proper essay. My writing skill has greatly improved since the start of the semester by taking both introductory writing and writing tutorial, and I learn about different techniques and proper grammar.
With my experience as a student with English as a second language, it is a challenge to create a good essay. Writing an essay was never my strength with having to learn proper grammar, but I have learned many ways to become a good writer with this English courses. My strength as a writer is the ability to have creative ideas of the essay’s topic. On the other hand, I am still having difficulties translating my ideas into words, because I am still learning to use correct grammar and word choice. During the course of the semester, my writing has been improved from having many grammar errors, fragments, and fused sentences into better essays with fewer errors and corrections. In order accomplished that, it require many practicing and understand the material from introductory writing course. As I am writing more essay, my writing skill is improving from correcting each mistake, but I still need to learn how to use the right grammar in essays because it is still a challenge for me as a student with English as my second language. In order to improve my grammar skill, it requires readings different books, practicing essay’s writing and taking additional English writing course.
When I took the English 102 course, the instructor gave us many opportunities to work on essays from other classes, and it helps me to practices writing essays. By having those opportunities, I learned to correct my grammar mistakes, and my writing skills became better. For example, paying attention the sentences structures avoid fragments in sentences; avoid using a passive voice, citing sources correctly with MLA format. By having, good writing skill it will help me to write essays in other college courses, or professional writing environments. Despite all that, I would like to learn more about citation using APA format, and I will find this information from the Internet and by reading a book about the APA format, or visit the writing center. It is good to learned different format in citing sources since there will be different requirements from different professors of the citing format.
During the course of the semester, I took advantage of the Veteran Center office in west 203. I visit Veteran Center every Monday and Wednesday to do my homework, which include essays. I choose the Veteran Center because they have tutors who are very helpful to a veteran like myself with writing a proper essay without having to go to the writing center, and the writing tutor is veteran, as well. I have benefitted using the Veteran Center for connecting with other veterans and getting all the support that I need. All veterans who attend WSU Tri-Cities can be benefits from using the Veteran Center, which also