An Pham
Ms. Hansen
IH 1140
22 May 2013
College Essay A typical morning in Vietnam began with my mother gently waking me up. "Con ơi thức giậy đi", and she would drive me to school on her electric motorcycle through the crowds of people getting to work. The atmosphere always had a hot and humid feels to it, with the sweet aroma coming from the fruits that people sold on the side of the streets. I came from a middle class family in South Vietnam. My parents did not have the chance to go to college, but they worked very hard to ensure that my brother and I would have a better life than theirs. While living in Vietnam, my dad was a scooter driver. My mom was a coffee maker and a nail artist. Because both my parents only had high school diplomas, they could not find better work. To ensure a bright future for my brother and me, my parents decided to leave everything they had; family, friends, the country they grew up in, and the language they speak; to move to America. From May 30th, 2005, and onwards, my life was no longer the way it used to be, I was no longer surrounded by familiar faces. Life lessons, sacrifices, and my parents’ abilities to overcome hardships in a foreign land motivated me to become the person I am today. When my parents arrived to California, they were determined to find jobs. My parents spent two weeks looking through newspaper, trying to find jobs that they could do, even if only just a couple of hours a week. After two weeks passed, my dad starting to go to the supermarket and stood there all day long. At that supermarket there were a lot of people who stood around just like my dad. They were not standing there for fun, or because they were lazy, but rather they were there waiting for a job to come by. Small business employers such as construction companies and carpenters would occasionally go to the supermarket to look for people who would work for cheap pay. Knowing why my dad went to the supermarket everyday has changed me forever. When my family and I moved to America, I had the perspective that this magical place would give my family and me a better life, but I never thought that I would have to witness my parents going through the hardship of finding a job or learning a foreign language. Watching my parents struggle to speak English and find a job inspired me to make a goal for myself. I told myself that I would work very hard to learn English so that my parents would not have to struggle with
Clark/English 11 Persuasive essay January 20, 2015 College is worth it Do you ever stress about going to college? Worry About the cost? Scared if you’re going into the wrong field of study? College is very important to go to now a days because a lot more jobs are requiring a college education. College is worth the time and money to go through. I believe everyone should go to college and get a degree. In this essay I will be explaining why it’s important to go to college and why it’s worth having…
Question: What is one important question you wish we had asked? Response: College admission essays all have a common theme of, “tell me what I want to hear.” Why do you want to attend our college? What are your plans for the future? Tell us a little about yourself, and so the list goes on. In reality, to know about a student you have to give them a prompt that lights a fire within their imagination. Let them dig into their mind and put everything on that paper, have their deepest thoughts typed…
The Influence of Culture Gavin Pitner UW English 131 09/14/12 Gavin Pitner 09/11/12 UW English 131 Admissions Essay So many things in today’s society can influence the person you are and will become. Things we watch on T.V. influence today’s younger generations greatly. We see the way people act on T.V. and we try to impersonate that character whether ‘tis bad or good. I’m originally from Germany and because of that and my mother and grandmother being German we celebrate holidays the…
Avid III Antwa’Lena Black College Essay If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? What would you tell the children that are about to experience there life, how it is in high school. This essay will explain how high school is now, and how it was when I entered high school. This advice I am giving the students will let them understand that high school is serious, not a joke. When, I first started high school…
College Essay Education has always been important to me, especially since no one in my family has ever graduated from college. I have faced several obstacles growing up and even though many people, even some of my own family members, thought I couldn't surpass them. My hardships have given me the drive to remain focused on my ultimate goal: achieving higher education. My mother's struggle and her experience have been an inspiration for me. My mother had a difficult childhood and only received…
Jack Mezzadri 12/03 College Essay 9-24-14 Many people would probably describe a place where they are perfectly content as an open field or their bed or maybe even the park, but not me, the place where I am most satisfied in my life is the baseball field. I know many people believe that would be crazy because of the yelling, noises and action, but honestly, those aspects are what makes this place so amazing for me. The smell of freshly cut grass, the sound of the glove popping when the ball…
will multiply your total points x 2.5 for a possible total of 100 points. That final number will be your test grade for this project. For example, if you receive 30/40 points, I will multiple 30 x 2.5 = 75 for your test grade. Applying to the college of your choice is a little like trying out for the Olympics—many are called, but few are chosen.…
College Essay Dear Whomever it concerns, As a kid I was always into school, and I liked learning new things. My parents always told me if I wanted to be something in life I would have to get an education, and to work hard in life for what I wanted. I took that in consideration, and that became my motivation to strive for my success. Since then I stayed focus in school and did my best to get good grades. I use to be easily distracted by things that made me procrastinate and sidetrack me from…
11/26/12 V.C.U ESSAY The question that I was given was why do I want to attend Virginia common wealth university? That question is the reason why I am dedicated to attend VCU. I love the fact that common wealth university has a lot of the basic courses I need in order to become a physical therapist. Not only does VCU have the basic four year courses there is also a medical school department, which I would love to enroll in after my first 4 years. VCU is a great school for me because…
College Essay Rough Draft A motto that I’ve truly lived by through various obstacles thrown at me is, “it isn’t failure that defines you it is how you get back up that does.” I honestly do not even remember where I first heard this but as a dedicated athlete, I’ve been through my fair share of setbacks. I am a really serious runner, and have been running since 8th grade, discovering a true love for the sport. I quickly realized I had varsity potential, and could do remarkable things in cross…